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Weekly Blast 01.17.25

January 16, 2025 -

School Dates to Note

  • Jan 20 NO SCHOOL – MLK/Civil Rights Day
  • Jan 24 7th-8th Grade Dance
  • Feb 7 No Homework Club
  • Feb 10 Spring Sports Tryouts
  • Feb 15 HS Winter Dance
  • Feb 17 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
Table of Contents

  • A Note from the Headmaster
  • Date Change for Winter Formal
  • Parking Lot Safety Reminder
  • 7th / 8th Grade Dance
  • Homework Club
  • Family Giving
  • Save the Date for France
  • College Counseling
  • Athletics
A Note from the Headmaster

Hello Parents,

Quarter three is often quite busy. This quarter, Mrs. Janssen, Assistant Headmaster of Academics, and I will be conducting scheduled observations with each of our forty-nine teachers and teaching staff. In the first semester, administrators, instructional coaches, and I popped into classes unannounced to complete a number of observations. With a scheduled quarter three observation, teachers pick the day based upon the lesson/activity/discussion of their choice. So far, we have completed about fifteen observations and debrief with the teacher to review the observation notes, comments, and rating scale.

I thought it might be helpful to share with you the particulars of the rating scale that allows us to mark “distinguished”, “accomplished”, “proficient”, “developing”, or “needs improvement”. Here are the areas whereby we assess teachers:

  1. Demonstration of Socratic teaching
  2. Lesson delivery includes scaffolds/differentiation strategies
  3. Student ownership of learning is frequently evident through conversation, exploration, and checks for understanding
  4. Interactions characterized by joy, warmth, gravitas, and relentless goodwill
  5. Pacing is appropriate and makes mid-lesson adjustments as needed
  6. Evidence of student engagement
  7. The classroom is well-ordered as evidenced by clear expectations and procedures, minimal student misbehaviors, and effective redirections and support by the teacher
  8. Evidence of growth mindset and culture of error

It has been such a blessing to see our teachers in action, repeatedly reminding me of how special Glendale Prep truly is for these young souls. If you have questions or want to know more about teacher observation and development, please reach out to me or our academic team, led by Mrs. Janssen and Mrs. Dausend.

Have a wonderful three-day weekend,

Mr. Navarrette


Date Change for Winter Formal

We’ve got some incredible things going on here! Both boys’ and girls’ varsity basketball teams are on fire this season, and there is a strong chance that they will both make the playoffs. To support our teams, and student athletes, we are going to have the HS Winter Formal on Saturday, February 15th instead of on Friday, February 14th. This new date will allow more time to make the gym look beautiful for the dance and will give students more time to get ready to dance the night away in true Griffin style.

Parking Lot Safety Reminder

We understand mornings can be a busy time, and we appreciate your efforts to ensure your students arrive at school safely and on time. However, we kindly ask for your patience and cooperation in the parking lot, especially when faculty and staff are parking. Our top priority is maintaining a safe environment for everyone, and this includes being mindful of those navigating the lot. Please allow a few extra moments for our faculty to park and ensure safety for all. Thank you for helping us make our parking lot a safe and respectful space for everyone. Your support and understanding mean so much to us!

7th / 8th Grade Dance

We are excited to announce the Middle School dance will be held on January 24th from 6:00-8:00 pm and the theme is Anne of Green Gables. All 7th and 8th graders are invited to attend! Tickets are available until January 22nd at 5:00 pm for $20 and can be purchased on the portal HERE. After this time, tickets will be sold at the door for $35 CASH ONLY and parents must accompany their students to pay for the dance and sign a permission slip before their children can be granted entry to the dance. Please take time to review the dress code HERE .

Lastly, phones must be brought in a zip top baggie marked with the student’s last name. They will be kept at check-in and returned at the end of the dance.

No Homework Club

No Homework Club on February 7th

Each year Great Hearts provides our faculty and staff with an in-service day for leisure to learn. This year it will be on Friday, February 7, 2025 and we want to ensure Mrs. Chavez and Mr. Kilcup are able to share in this experience so we will not be having our Homework Club on this day. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. We look forward to resuming Homework Club services on the following school day.

Family Giving

Tax season is upon us! If you currently pay income tax the State of Arizona, you have a choice of how those dollars are spent by re-directing where a portion of your tax money goes. If you give your public-school tax credit to Glendale Prep, you will receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your state income tax bill. Married filers can designate up to $400 and single filers can designate up to $200. Your support in keeping athletics, the arts, clubs, and field trips funded is needed and appreciated! To contribute your Tax Credit, simply click on this link: Donate to Glendale Preparatory Tax Credit. If you have already given your tax credit for this year, thank you! Did you know that friends and family that pay taxes in Arizona can give to any school of their choice? Please share the link above and ask them to support GP as well! Questions? Please reach out to our Family Giving Officer, Tammy Kempton, at with any questions.  Thank you for your support!

Save the Date for France

Dear families,

We’re going to France in Summer 2026, and you’re invited!

We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. Please be sure to register for this info session to be considered for this opportunity:

Meeting: Date: 1/23/2025 – Time: 6pm – Location: room 706

When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.

In this info session, we’ll talk about:

  • How this opportunity will benefit your student
  • What we’ll see and do on our trip
  • Everything that’s included in this experience
  • How your child can earn academic credit
  • How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
  • How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period

We would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!

Your contact: Madame Conet-Pereira – ccognet-pereira@glendale

College Counseling

The Great Hearts College Symposium: This is an excellent way for families of 10th and 11th grade students to explore and interact with multiple colleges in a single event. Admissions representatives will give presentations on essay writing, financial aid, and more on Saturday, March 1st, from 3:15 PM to 6:00 PM. We strongly encourage all 10th and 11th grade students to attend the Symposium.

This event is held at Scottsdale Preparatory Academy (16537 N. 92nd St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260). To register, please go to, where you will receive a personalized barcode for entry. All students must wear school uniforms when attending this symposium.

ASU High School Leadership Academy: The ASU Center for American Institutions is pleased to offer incoming high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors an opportunity to join them on the ASU Tempe campus on Monday, January 20, 2025, from 9:00 AM to noon and 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM during Martin Luther King Day, for their High School Leadership Academy.

Using the 2022 Supreme Court case 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis as a guide, students will participate in a mock trial, taking on the roles of attorneys representing 303 Creative LLC, Aubrey Elenis, the State of Colorado, or Supreme Court justices. Participants will choose which judicial role they want to explore in the trial. Students will also learn about the origins of religious liberty in America and the history of court challenges to religious freedom in the modern era. The fee to attend is $50. Scholarships are available for families who request them by emailing by January 10, 2025.

HEFAR: Learn the secrets to qualifying for more grants and college scholarships. Shannon Larson from HEFAR will present to all Great Hearts Families 6-12 on Thursday, January 30th, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Link:

ASVAB: The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test will be offered to all students on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, after school at 1:00 PM. Testing will last approximately three and a half hours and students need to be picked up at 4:30 PM.  The ASVAB is a standardized test designed to assess a student’s aptitude for various occupations. While it can provide valuable insights into potential career paths, participation is voluntary. We understand that some parents may be concerned about the ASVAB, particularly its potential for military recruitment. Please be assured that, as a school, we do not send ASVAB information to any military office for recruitment. However, the option to send scores for military recruitment will be made available. Please only complete this OPT-out form if you want to prevent your child from participating.


Game Schedules, Practice Schedules, and Events

The athletics website ( will have the most up to date information regarding game schedules. All middle school schedules are updated on the athletics website. A link will take you to each individual schedule. It is a tab at the top titled “MS Team Schedules”. All high school schedules are updated on the athletics website. Click the tab at the top titled “Sports and Activities.”

Home Game Support/Volunteering

We are looking forward to a great Winter Sports Season for all our High School Teams! The APO and the Athletic Department are in need of volunteers to help make our home events successful. Your support is crucial in ensuring everything runs smoothly and the kids have a great time.

Here is the link where all sign-ups are located. This sign up genius link has all of the home games along with the positions we need filled for basketball and soccer. This is also available on the athletics website!

Spring Sports

Spring sports tryouts are February 10th for both middle school and high school teams. High school spring sports are baseball, softball, track and field, and golf. Middle school spring sports are track and field, along with basketball. If you have questions regarding Big Teams registration or spring sports, please reach out to Mr. Roundy (


Contact Information
Jenny Haley, Office Manager

Attendance Line:
623-889-0822 Option 4

Websites and Links
Glendale Prep Website
Glendale Prep PSO Website
GP Athletics Website
“Like Us” on Facebook
2024-2025 School Calendar
Event Calendar
Booster Items
GP Family Handbook
Payment Portal
Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4”
 Tutoring Schedule