Absences: Make-Up Work Students have the primary responsibility for making up work following an absence. For short absences (of 1-2 days) students should contact their “Homework Buddy” (see below), and access the homework page for their specific classes (updated at the end of each summer); for longer absences, especially ones that result in a missed assessment or other major assignment, the student must arrange with the teacher a time to complete it, usually upon their return and at least within one week. Planned absences of three days or longer should be communicated to the Dean of Academics in advance, and your child should ask each teacher for guidance on the best way to make up work. Teachers may (if possible) provide work to be done in advance. For unplanned or lengthier absences, especially due to illness, contact the Dean of Academics for guidance.
Absences: Notification Please notify the front office by emailing attendance@glendaleprep.org when your child will be absent from school. To discuss a planned absence of 3 or more days, please contact the Dean of Academics.
Academic dishonesty We take academic dishonesty very seriously out of care for our students’ intellectual and moral integrity. In an instance of academic dishonest, the standard policy is to receive a 0 on the assignment, but additional consequences can be very serious and often involve suspension. The Dean of Students is the primary contact for issues surrounding academic dishonesty.
Academic integrity Academic integrity is described in detail in the Honor Code, which students read and sign at the start of each school year. Please ask your child to see the Honor Code and review it together if your child is unclear about any guidelines. Students are also encouraged to ask their teacher about the best way to complete a given assignment.
Annotations Annotations are markings in a book or other text that help make sense of the reading. Student should mark their texts whenever they are reading to prepare for a discussion. Often students find annotation time-consuming. With practice, it can become second nature. Ask teachers to guide your annotation style in a given class, and pay attention to what works best for you, especially when going back through a text during seminar.
Athletic Early Release Many athletic teams must schedule games or other events early in the day. Students in these programs are excused from class, but should contact their teacher in advance to set a plan for turning in work. A sports absence does not excuse a student from meeting regular due dates.
AASA/Standardized testing Glendale Prep is a publicly funded charter school and is required to comply with Arizona standardized testing protocol, although we hold that education consists of much more than preparing students for standardized skill-based measurements. However, we prepare students to be able to show their knowledge within this framework and make moderate use of formative testing (Galileo) for middle schoolers throughout the year. In the spring, AZMerit testing interrupts the regular school day schedule; details will be communicated to parents in advance.
Birthday Lockers Students are allowed to decorate a friend’s locker in celebration of his or her birthday. Students can ask to enter the hallway before school to hang their decorations. The decorations should be removed by the following day.
Blazer The blazer is a part of the uniform reserved for upperclassmen (Juniors and Seniors). It is a symbol of their leadership role at Glendale Prep, and is a popular choice for many students. All Juniors are formally honored at the Blazer Ceremony in the fall of their Junior year, and Seniors who have chosen to purchase one may also participate in the ceremony. Blazers must be ordered through the front office, who also ensure that the garment is properly measured for each student.
Bookbag/Totebag All personal belongings other than class materials and writing utensils should be left inside your student’s locker. Students are not permitted to carry backpacks or other bags to class, but may purchase the GP tote bag for $15. This is a sturdy and resilient bag which is easy for students to load books and binders in and out of.
Cell phones We enjoy a campus culture free from the use of cell phones and other devices. This practice helps to build genuine friendships and a sense of community on campus; it protects against screen addiction, power conflicts between students and teachers, self-isolation, and other harms. The use of cell phones is not permitted during the entire school day and until students have exited campus. Cell phones should be kept inside the student’s backpack and should be powered off (not on “silent”) during the school day. An automatic detention results if a cell phone is found on the student’s person or powered on inside a locker during the school day, and the device will also be kept at the front office until a parent arrives to check it out. After 3:05, cell phones may be used on the pick-up curb (not anywhere inside the campus) to contact a ride. Students using their cell phone for any other purpose will receive an automatic detention, and the device will also be kept at the front office until a parent arrives to check it out..
Classics to Keep Classics to Keep are the required texts for a given course. It is important that each student own a personal copy of each book, so that it can be marked and annotated for discussion. It is also important that students have the right edition of the book, as it will be used daily for detailed discussion. Different formats or pagination can pose a great obstacle, especially for middle schoolers. Parents can purchase Classics to Keep using the list provided on the website.
Computers and devices At Glendale Prep, we use technology to enhance our learning only when it is most useful, and not simply because it is available. Students are permitted to use computers only at designated times and under the supervision of a teacher. Typically, only upperclassmen are permitted to use computers for class work.
Concerts At the end of each semester, the Winter or Spring Concert is held to showcase the accomplishments of all students in curricular Music courses and extracurricular Choirs. The fine arts are a fundamental and deeply enriching part of a liberal arts curriculum, and all students get to experience Music as it is a core requirement. Students in curricular Music courses are required to attend this event, so be sure to mark your calendar in advance.
Consumables Consumables are materials purchased for a course which are ordered by the school (not by parents) in almost all cases. These include workbooks, course readers, etc. The cost for consumables for a given year is folded in to regular fees; contact the front office with more questions.
Dance lessons Glendale Prep dances feature social dancing (swing, foxtrot, etc.) and students who attend dances can look forward to learning these dances, often during the event itself. Students must attend a certain number *** of hours of dance lessons in order to attend Prom.
Deficiency Notice/MQPR Beginning at mid-quarter, parents are notified if their child is currently deficient in the coursework for any class (earning a D+ or below). Teachers provide concrete steps for improvement, but please discuss the notice with your child and reach out to the teacher directly with any questions or concerns. Teachers welcome the additional information and support that you can provide. Mid-Quarter Progress Reports (MQRP) go out to parents in the middle of the quarter. These reports provide a current grade for each category of a class.
Depth of Inquiry “Depth of inquiry” describes a quality of mind which leads to a rich and detailed understanding of a given topic or discipline. A person with depth of inquiry does not let her curiosity rest on the surface, but enjoys probing more deeply into the specifics of what, how, and why. In mathematics, depth of inquiry begins in learning to understand not just that an algorithm works, but how it works — and then leads you to try to apply those principles elsewhere. In history, a depth of inquiry takes you beyond the memorization of facts and allows you to recall and connect the particulars of an event or situation because of what it means. Depth of inquiry goes together with persistence and an inquisitive frame of mind. At Glendale Prep, teachers strive to design assignments that provide students practice deepening their inquiry, and equip them with the skills needed to do so. Students are evaluated on their depth of inquiry as displayed in their conversation and coursework.
Detention Detention is a healthy too at Glendale Prep; students are asked to take it seriously, but it is not simply a consequence. Detention allows the student time to reflect on his or her behavior and to plan to make better choices in the future in conversation with the Dean of Students and any relevant teachers. Parents will be contacted in addition to the detention slip for some detentions, particularly so a teacher can share about the coaching session and to strength the partnership between school and home. Detentions are held after school, but some may be scheduled during school — please contact the Dean of Students with any questions.
Drama performances Throughout the year, the Drama department puts on numerous drama performances, both curricular (8th, 11th, and 12th grades) and extracurricular (Griffin Players). The fine arts are a fundamental and deeply enriching part of a liberal arts curriculum, and all students get to experience Drama as it is a core requirement. Students in curricular Drama courses are required to attend these performances, so be sure to mark your calendar in advance.
Elevated speech Part of our culture is to encourage elevated speech in class and around campus. Sometimes, and especially in Humane Letters, teachers will use formal address, referring to students with a title (“Mr.,” “Miss,” or “Scholar” are common.) Students are encouraged to avoid slang or casual speech (including the catch-phrases of meme culture) when more precise language is available. Clear and concise expression takes time and attention to develop, but we hold it as one of our ideals. Vulgar language is not tolerated and will result in a detention.
Enrichment Course Enrichment Courses are additional opportunities for students to receive instruction from the Academy’s faculty outside the ordinary time of the school day. While the exact meeting times may vary and the exact content of each course may change from semester to semester, the menu of enrichment courses that a school offers are from a fixed list that our network can best support, supervise and continually improve. All enrichment courses have attendance requirements and culminate with a final project/deliverable at the end of the semester. Common examples include the Robotics Team, Yearbook, Poetry Nights, and Writing Workshop.
Epic Cycle The High School Epic Cycle celebrates one of three epic poems from the classical tradition (the Iliad, the Odyssey, or the Aeneid). Students read aloud continuously from the poem over a 12-hour period (lasting all night). The exuberance and stamina required to fulfill this task is part of the fun — and the event provides students generous time to enjoy the company of their classmates and teachers. The Middle School Epic Cycle is an evening event centered around a shorter literary work (e.g. Beowulf, Arthurian legends).
Evaluations Glendale Prep students are evaluated each quarter on specific academics skills and intellectual development. The standard form is a narrative paragraph which describes each student’s current skill level, progress through the course, and intellectual character (see: “Sense of Wonder” and “Depth of Inquiry”). At other times throughout the year, evaluations will be shortened or targeted to communicate specific information. Parents are highly encouraged to read evaluations carefully and discuss them with their children, but evaluations are not written for students to read.
Field Day Field Day is held twice a year on a half day. Students compete in their Kins, creating a fierce competition between Houses in a mixture of athletic and academic games. Field Day is also a cherished tradition in which older students exercise important leadership skills, younger students learn to work together on a team with classmates of different grades and abilities, and everyone generally has a good time dressing in absurdly spirited ways.
Forgotten lunches **If your child does not have a lunch, he or she may purchase an extra catered lunch ($5**) if it is availabe, or call to request that one be dropped off. If you drop off a lunch for your child, it will remain in the front office until your child comes to retrieve it at Lunch or Lyceum. Given the traffic in the front office, we asked that dropping off lunches be a rarity.
Grades In general, our educational philosophy discourages relying on percentages or letter grades as the only meaningful measure of learning. Students receive point values on individual assignments, but not letter grades, and are encouraged to ask their teachers about specific ways they can improve — rather than asking, “what is my grade in this class?” It is true that the overall grade can provide a snapshot of a combined number of factors, and help to indicate a big problem or remarkable success. Very high grades ought to indicate unusual success in our advanced curriculum. Grades can also effectively indicate if a student completed basic coursework. This is why teachers provide overall grades for the course at the end of each quarter, and midway through the quarter if the student is deficient (D+ or lower). (See: “Deficiency Notice”). We are strongly opposed to the notion (felt by many students) that a grade is a signal of personal worth or failure, and we know that many good grades do not accurately predict real learning. Particularly in middle school, developing habits and responsibility is much more important than a good grade.
Gum Gum is not tolerated on campus and will result in an automatic detention. Please spit out your gum before entering campus.
Hallway Gallery The Hallway Gallery is an opportunity for our students to contemplate great works of art while moving from class to class. Because the Academy holds that Beauty is not only an adornment of Truth, but fundamental to Goodness in its own right, we encourage our students to look and linger at the reproductions of foundational works of Beauty that hang in our Hallway.
High School Retreat The High School Retreat is an opportunity for the eldest members of Glendale Prep to grow in friendship, consideration, and leadership. A three-day, two-night trip to Lost Canyon in the fall, the High School Retreat allows for students to enter the new year and their new grade in an intentional and community-oriented way.
HL / Humane Letters Humane Letters is a seminar-based course in which students read and discuss great works of Western literature and philosophy. Humane Letters lasts two hours each day and requires dedicated preparation. All high schoolers take Humane Letters. (Also see: “Seminar”)
Homework Buddy Students are expected to keep track of homework assignments in their classes even after a short absence (1-2 days). A Homework Buddy is a classmate (or two) who serves as a contact person for your child and who can provide a list of the assignments they missed. Usually this involves sending a photo of that day’s page in the GP homework planner. This classmate should be a trustworthy friend who can rely on your child in return. The practice is another tried and true method that we believe helps students take better ownership of their coursework. Some teachers, in order to enforce this habit, might ask students to contact their Homework Buddy even before asking the teacher for details about an assignment.
Homework Club Homework Club is in session each day from 3:15 PM – 5:00 PM and on Wednesdays from 12:50 PM – 5:00 PM. Students are provided a quiet and orderly place to do their schoolwork, but they must arrange separately with a teacher to receive tutoring help. For more information, please check the Weekly Blast.
Homework Planner (Also sometimes called “Agenda”). Each Glendale Prep student receives a Homework Planner at the start of each year. Regular use of the planner each day is crucial, particularly students in middle school. The teacher writes each night’s homework clearly on the board, and students should find the corresponding place and write it down accurately. (See also “Homework Buddy”).
Homework policy Glendale Prep’s school-wide homework policy: (1) Homework times describe an estimated time spent for an average student. If homework regularly takes your child well beyond this estimate, please have him or her consult the teacher about strategies and individual supports. (2) Late work may be submitted the next school day for 50% credit. After that point, it will not receive credit. Teachers provide more specific policies for their courses in the syllabus, which students and parents review and sign at the start of the year. (3) Late work on larger assignments (essay or projects) will lower the final grade by a letter grade per day. Please communicate any extenuating circumstances to the teacher.
House At Glendale Prep, we want our students to be known and loved at every point in their educational journey. The House System is designed so that every student — regardless of academic level, age, or extracurricular interests — can find a community at Glendale Prep. When students are sorted into Houses, they find a group of students with whom they can confide, serve, play and compete. There are four Houses — Falconis, Hyrax, Lutra and Vulpes — that students will be sorted into at the beginning of their time at GP. Students will meet in their House during House Days. Special House days — the Field Days — will have the students compete in their kins to win House. Individual students may also earn points through acts of kindness, community, and courage. All the points are tallied at the end of the year to determine which House will be awarded the House Cup.
Infractions: uniform, hallway, locker At Glendale Prep, we value a level of professionalism in which we keep ourselves and our campus orderly and clean. Infractions are formal warnings that help students build the right habits in these areas. A uniform infraction is issued whenever a student is found out of uniform. A hallway infraction is issued whenever a student is notably disruptive when in the hallway. A locker infraction is issued whenever a student leaves his or her locker unlocked, or if it needs to be cleaned. Three infractions in one quarter will result in a detention.
Kin Group Every House is divided into six groups, called “kins”. Kins have roughly 25 students from all grade levels in them, with one or two seniors leading it and one or two faculty or staff members guiding.
Kins will meet every few weeks together on a “House Day”. Students may wear their House shirt on House Days, and can expect a pep rally, competition, or group activity to take place in the last hour of the day. Special House days — the Field Days — will have the students compete in their kins to win House. Individual students may also earn points through acts of kindness, community, and courage.
Known and loved At Glendale Prep, we strive to be a place where students are known and loved. A young person may struggle to understand that it helps to be held accountable. Another may not see that the pursuit of excellence does not require total perfection along the way. Our teachers seek to build positive relationships with students, helping them to do their best and to treat failure as a constructive experience. The greatest number of our students benefit when the intellectual and moral bar is set high in the classroom, and teachers who know and love their students well can hold to those standards while inviting students to share in the joy of learning. When we know our students, we can note their weaknesses with integrity and candor, finding ways to speak the truth and build them up. But we never pigeon-hole students or give up hope in their potential to improve.
Liberal education A liberal education is the kind of education that makes one free. For the ancient Greeks and Romans, it was an education only fit for aristocratic “free men;” that is, it was not designed to train workers for a specific trade or career. Instead, the goal was an expansive and well-trained mind, equipped to seek the truth. At Glendale Prep, we believe a liberal education should be available to all, especially in the years before it is advisable to plan for a particular career. There is always time for specialized training, but a general liberal education provides the foundation for a life. Liberal education consists of cognitive, emotional, and moral education—thinking deeply, loving noble things, and living well together. We believe, with Plato, that the highest goal of education is to become good, intellectually and morally. We do not dispute the usefulness of a liberal arts education, and we gladly prepare our students for college studies, but our main purpose is the formation of the soul, heart, and mind.
Lockers Each student is assigned a locker and a lock; they may not share their combination with any other students. Students may not decorate the exterior of their locker except on birthdays (see: “Birthday Lockers”) or during themed days during Spirit Week. The interior may be decorated as they please, and many prefer homemade wooden shelves that can support heavy textbooks (rather than some store-bought versions which are not very sturdy).
Lyceum All students have a scheduled Lyceum period (before or after lunch) which allows them time for recreation, independent work, or tutoring with a teacher.
Night of the Griffin Organized by the PSO, the Night of the Griffin is an annual fundraising event for Glendale Preparatory Academy. While admission is typically free, there are auctions, raffles, games and food trucks to raise funds for student activities and teacher supplies. Events often include a teacher dunk tank, bouncy castles, karaoke, and carnival-style games.
Online gradebook Glendale Prep teachers do not post gradebook entries online for parent or student viewing. This is in order to encourage student independence and responsibility and to frame communication about grades as more than just point-tallying. Over the years, this has contributed hugely to a positive and proactive culture between students and teachers. We expect and coach students, even 6th and 7th graders, to learn how to bring specific problems to their teachers and have a productive conversation about how they can improve. Students may always ask their teachers about missing assignments or any other academic questions. We are looking into the possibility of students and/or parents having access to missing homework/homework grades to help encourage student meet the foundation academic expectations. 
Panels Juniors and Seniors choose one Humane Letters essay per year to present orally to their peers. The entire grade gathers to hear the presentations, ask questions, and enjoy refreshments.
Politics and current events We keep contemporary politics and current events out of the classroom for specific reasons. Precisely because we value open and reasoned discourse and want students to learn to make independent judgements, teachers will not express personal political viewpoints in class. Our students should not know us as Independents, Republicans, Democrats, progressives, libertarians — or other labels that invite young people to take sides. Students, too, are asked not to reference contemporary controversies, because this rarely improves the quality and progress of a given discussion. We have found that there is not a need to make an important text more exciting by linking it to current problems — our curriculum is profound and already requires us to sift through many of the enduring principles and tensions in human life.
Pop culture One distinctive feature of our campus culture is that we keep classrooms and official school events free of “pop culture.” On first encounter, or in theoretical terms, it can seem difficult to define “pop culture,” but, in practice, it is not so hard, and has proven to be an extremely fruitful principle. Teachers do not use current media references (especially in the categories of movies, television, social or digital media, etc.) to attempt to connect students with course material, and students are steered away from bringing such references into everyday classroom conversation. Teachers can verify that this approach helps students enter into a clearly separate, specially focused zone where the focus is on learning.
Project Week (Also known as Independent Study Week). During Parent Conferences, students do not attend school, but complete a project independently at home. High schoolers read and write essays on an assigned book or set of readings (see “Symposium”), but middle schoolers work on a project assigned specifically by grade. Information on Project Week is delivered in the two-week period preceding Fall Break. Middle school projects are assigned by a specific teacher who can be contacted directly with any questions. High schoolers may contact their Humane Letters teacher with any questions.
Pursuit of excellence At Glendale Prep, we believe that teenagers, including middle school students, are capable of an immense amount of creativity and insight. They are ready to delve into the great questions of the Western tradition and offer original answers. They are capable of mastering complex systems of expression and solving high-level problems. Students will rise to the challenge of an advanced liberal arts curriculum with sufficient guidance and encouragement along the way. A basic premise is that each student must personally take charge of his or her own education.
R&R Weekend One weekend a month, students are invited to “rest and relax,” and no homework is assigned. Teachers also plan so that students will not have to complete any required work for long-term projects or in preparation for an assessment. (Exceptions might include make-up work.)
R/A A common abbreviation for “Read and annotate”. See “Annotate”.
Religion and Holidays Glendale Prep is non-sectarian and has built a strong, unified community on shared values of the Western tradition. In both middle and high school, religious texts are read and discussed in a manner which promotes free inquiry about the text as such. We do not celebrate any holidays (including Halloween and Valentine’s Day) on campus.
Secondary sources We let the Great Books speak for themselves and we never assign secondary literature (that is, scholarly treatments of a primary work) to students. The great literature of the past need not be re-narrated through contemporary events in order to be relevant. Great literature is timeless, and both student and teacher must be drawn up into the text, rather than bringing the text down to them.
Seminar Seminar is often used broadly to refer to any kind of discussion. At Glendale Prep, seminar is a more distinctive activity, and usually takes place in Humane Letters or in other settings where discussion is based around a particular shared text. The teacher asks a question about the text and guides the general flow of discussion, but does not lecture or point students to particular conclusions. Seminar is a discipline which requires careful reading, discernment, and thoughtful speech. Over time, seminar forms students to be more observant and articulate, and even to think more critically about their own ideas. Active participation in the discussion is vital to improving those skills. The training students receive in a Humane Letters seminar should carry over into their approach to other disciplines.
Senior Dinner The Senior Dinner is an event where faculty members honor each graduating Senior individually with a tribute speech. Parents are invited to join for a catered dinner and to join the Glendale Prep community for (nearly) one last, very unique event.
Senior Perks Seniors are honored throughout the year by parent volunteers who provide, one Friday a month, coffee and breakfast foods before school.
Senior Retreats We host two Senior Retreats throughout the senior year. These events provide Seniors time to begin reflecting on their time at Glendale Prep. The first retreat is held in the fall and includes an overnight that is off campus; whereas, the second is an all day event May. Additionally, we have two mini-retreats, one in each semester, that are held during the school day off-campus at a private home. Details are communicated by email prior to the event.
Senior Thesis The Senior Thesis Project is an exploration of a serious philosophical topic, question, or theme in the context of two Great Books from the Western tradition (one text should be chosen from outside the curriculum). The project consists of a 15-20 page interpretive essay, an oral presentation, and a panel discussion with three faculty members. Each Glendale Prep student completes the project over the summer before their Senior year and during their Senior year. Successful completion of the project is required for graduation.
Sense of Wonder “Sense of wonder” describes a quality of mind which is at the heart of learning. A person with a strong sense of wonder does not rush to always be right or be the first to finish, but pauses to take in the surprising or complex nature of reality. A sense of wonder makes you more comfortable not-yet-knowing, but does not make you dismissive of the prospect of finding out. In the classroom, a sense of wonder can mean you are interested in finding larger connections between different topics. It allows you to focus on the big picture. A student with a habitual sense of wonder is usually excited, not anxious, about beginning a new topic. Asking, “why does any of this matter?” can be a sign of a sense of wonder, except if your question is pragmatically focused on using your effort to gain something other than a full understanding (often we worry about getting an A, a degree, a job). Pragmatic questions are valid, but veer far away from a sense of wonder. A sense of wonder puts you in touch with reality, not just academic tasks. At Glendale Prep, teachers strive to center coursework around our own sense of wonder in a particular discipline, and students are evaluated on the sense of wonder they display in class.
Sharpie ban Students are not allowed to have Sharpie markers on campus. If found, the marker will be confiscated.
Smartwatch Students may wear traditional watches or a smartwatch that regulates heart rate, steps, and calories. Smartwatches that can have phone, text, or internet capability are not prohibited during the school day. It does not matter if a connected phone is off in the locker.
Socratic questions Socratic questioning is a method that guides students to ask deeper and deeper questions about the nature of whatever is being studied. Socratic questioning is not quizzing students about facts, but is aimed at uncovering more basic principles in a given discipline. Teachers rely on some form of Socratic questioning in all their classes.
Spirit Week Spirit Week is celebrated once a year, usually the week preceding the Homecoming Dance. Students are invited to participate in various activities, most of which involve dressing according to certain themes. Specific guidance on Spirit Week is communicated to students and families in the two weeks prior, and should be read carefully.
Study guide Coursework at Glendale Prep involves regular formal assessment (in addition to ongoing formative assessment or daily feedback from teachers). Most teachers provide a study guide prior to the assessment, and some also schedule a class period for review. These practices are designed to support, but not replace, a student’s ownership of his or her learning in a given course. A study guide is a guide to review, not a contract limiting exactly what should be understood for the test. Students should ask their teachers about the best way to study for an assessment in each course.
Symposium The Symposium brings the entire high school together to discuss a significant work of literature, science, mathematics, or philosophy. High schoolers read and write on this work during Project Week (see above). On the first day of Second Quarter, students and faculty enjoy seminar discussions and a presentation from a guest speaker. This tradition builds connections between students in different grades and emphasizes that we are a community which enjoys learning for its own sake.
Tardy Classes start promptly at the bell, and students are required to be in the classroom beginning their bell work by that time. Teachers mark a student tardy if they enter class after the bell. Three tardies in a quarter results in a detention. Teachers inform students when they have been marked tardy, but students are also encouraged to check if they would like to keep track.
Testing environment Students should prepare for tests and longer quizzes by reviewing what was discussed in class and studying accordingly. The assessment is to gauge their work and understanding. While last minute review is a standard practice, students should put away all notes, handouts, and study guides in folders before any exam.  Cover sheets must be used during the duration of the test. If students have questions, they should raise their hand and wait for their teacher to come to their desk. There should not be any talking or looking around during a test. Students may be asked to complete a test before visiting the restroom. Students should not share the content or nature of test questions with peers.
The Good, the True, and the Beautiful The Good, the True, and the Beautiful were called the “transcendentals” by medieval philosophers because they could be found (by degrees) in every part of reality. We believe that all that exists has some part in what is good, true, and beautiful, and that these principles ultimately describe our highest desires in life. A life well-lived is one in which we “love the good, seek the truth, and enjoy the beautiful.” A formal education plays a foundational part in forming persons who are capable of this — or who can recognize some part of what it looks like. Students will rarely (outside of Humane Letters) discuss the definitions of the true, the good, or the beautiful, but we hope to cultivate a community in which students are surrounded by adults who seek and delight in what is real.
Ties As another signal to the increasing responsibility and leadership roles, Sophomores (and up) are able to wear Glendale Prep ties with their uniform, and those receiving ties are also honored at the Blazer Ceremony in the fall. Ties must be ordered through the front office.
Tutoring At Glendale Prep, all students are encouraged to attend tutoring with their teachers, even if they are not struggling in a class. Tutoring hours are often the best time for students to make up assessments or take direct responsibility for their progress. Teachers provide scheduled times for each course they teach: you can consult these times on the Tutoring Schedule, provided on the website.
Uniform We enforce the uniform at Glendale Prep, and we encourage parents to carefully review the uniform code at the start of the year. The uniform clearly marks our space at school as unique, reminding students that we are here for distinctive purposes. The uniform also reduces possible divisions among students: identity at school ought to be primarily that of a student seeking intellectual growth and maturity. Every day there is a brief uniform check at the start of first period. To read more about our uniform, please click here.
Uniform infraction A uniform infraction is a warning issued whenever a student is found out of uniform. Three infractions in one quarter will result in a detention. At Glendale Prep, we pride ourselves on appearing professional on campus, and keeping the uniform requirements helps to create an environment focused on learning.
Water bottle Stickers We understand that students enjoy personalizing their water bottles. Stickers should be tasteful, appropriate, and free of communicating any “cause”, whether the cause be meaningful and good. We want to make sure this privilege does not unintentionally disrupt our unified goal.
Western civilization/Western culture The Western tradition is the privileged tradition of our curriculum because its long, varied, but ultimately cohesive life of thought, science, art, government, and society contains deep wisdom, unique to this tradition, and is the foundation of our world in 21st century America. We hold that contemporary citizens of the West need to be consciously aware of this tradition in order to flourish in it. A liberal arts education grounded in the Western tradition is the necessary starting place for anyone who would seek to put it in meaningful dialogue with a different tradition. Like any tradition, it is not static or monolithic, and includes deep riches beyond our curricular booklist; we offer our students a starting place, not a comprehensive tour.

The West has been called the “civilization of the dialogue,” because of the unique way in which argument, dialectic, reasoned speech, and conversation have operated in Western philosophy and politics through the ages. The Western intellectual tradition has itself been called “the Great Conversation”, a dialogue of ideas and persons, of books and thinkers that spans thousands of years of history and cuts across divisions of language, culture, religion, and history. It has also been called by some the “civilization of the book,” and so we also express a preference for the great books of literature, science, mathematics, philosophy, theology, and history that have been written in and about this tradition.

Yearbook A yearbook is issued at the end of each year, and is distributed during the last days of school. The cost of a yearbook is included in the consumables paid as the beginning of each year.