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Weekly PSO Blast 4.28.22

April 28, 2022 -

Dear Glendale Prep Families,

Good afternoon, Griffin families! This is the last week to sign up to donate to one of the Teacher Appreciation lunches, and to show your appreciation for our wonderful staff by either donating monies online for us to purchase gift cards (see the link below), or by dropping off cards of $10 denominations to the office by this Friday, April 29th.

Let’s really make this week a fun and enjoyable week for the entire team!

Teacher Appreciation Week: Volunteer Sign-Up

Teacher Appreciation week is May 2nd-6th. Thank you to all who have signed up so far! Please sign up below to help with Teacher Appreciation week. We needed to change the meal on Friday of this week and will need additional volunteers that day. Please see the separate Sign-Up, also below. Our final Teacher Appreciation lunch will be the last week of school. We are still looking for more donations and volunteers for that, as well.  This will be the final Teacher Appreciation lunch of the year.

Sign up to help with Teacher Appreciation week HERE.
Sign up to help with Teacher Appreciation LUNCHES (May 6th and 25th) HERE.
Make a donation for Teacher Appreciation gift cards HERE.

We so appreciate your help as we wind down the school year!

Thank you from the GP PSO!

PSO Contacts
President – Debbie Ayer
Treasurer – Lorenzo Gonzalez
Secretary – Cathy Cleland
Lunches – Polsia Faris
Important Links
Glendale Prep PSO Website Page
Lunch Ordering – Use Password “griffins4”
Glendale Prep Athletics Website
School Events Calendar

Booster Store
eScrips Fundraiser
AmazonSmile Fundraiser
Official GP Facebook Page
Unofficial Parent-Run Facebook Page