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Weekly PSO Blast 3.09.22

March 9, 2022 -

Dear Glendale Prep Families,

As we spring into this amazing time of beautiful weather, vacations, and fun, please don’t forget that Night of the Griffin’s is quickly approaching! Mark your calendars for April 9th, 4-8 pm. Come out and celebrate a night of fun for the entire family!  Bring your family, friends, and neighbors! Night of the Griffins is a family and community event to celebrate our school, students, and amazing families!

Night of the Griffins (NOTG) 4/9- Planning/Committee Meeting March 3rd

What do you have to look forward to this year?  How about food trucks, arcade games, carnival games, rock wall, karaoke… and what carnival would be complete without a DUNK TANK?!  We will have wristbands and tickets available for presale on the PSO online shop ( ) so you can plan ahead for your evening of fun. Keep an eye out for these items! Plus, receive a bonus if you buy your wristbands ahead of time!  The wristbands will be for unlimited play on the fantastic arcade games that will be available in the Glendale Prep Gym.

If you would still like to get involved with this event, please reach out to Jenny Haley via email at or via phone at 623-302-0346.  We are still looking for donations and sponsorships as well as volunteers.  We could use volunteers to go out and acquire contributions from local business or to help with preparations for the event.  Please reach sign up to help HERE.

Teacher Appreciation Lunch

Thank you to Laura Rogers and her team for another amazing TA Lunch!  Also thank you to everyone who donated items as well.  Here are some pictures from the lunch.

Weekly Lunches

As a reminder, weekly lunch ordering closes each Friday at 10:00 pm for orders for the following week. You can, of course, still order for the entire month if you would like. Lunch order link:

Friday Donuts

Please remind your student about the fun tradition of donuts in the courtyard! Fridays before school students can purchase a donut and either juice or milk for only $1.00 starting at 7:15 am!

Thank you from the PSO!

PSO Contacts
President – Debbie Ayer
Treasurer – Lorenzo Gonzalez
Secretary – Cathy Cleland
Lunches – Polsia Faris
Important Links
Glendale Prep PSO Website Page
Lunch Ordering – Use Password “griffins4”
Glendale Prep Athletics Website
School Events Calendar

Booster Store
eScrips Fundraiser
AmazonSmile Fundraiser
Official GP Facebook Page
Unofficial Parent-Run Facebook Page