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Weekly PSO Blast 10.19.22

October 20, 2022 -

Dear Glendale Prep Families,

Happy Wednesday! Please see below for the latest updates from the PSO.

NOTG (Night of the Griffins)- Meeting TONIGHT in the Library!

We will continue to send updates as we continue to plan for Night of the Griffins. We are in need of several volunteers during the planning process and on the night of the event. If you can, please sign up to volunteer HERE. Our first meeting is TONIGHT, October 19th at 6:00 PM in the GP Library. We are very grateful for the help and look forward to seeing you there!

As a reminder, NOTG is a community event that we try to do each spring to celebrate our students, our school, and our community.  It is a fun night for the entire family!  Please mark your calendars and come celebrate with us in the Spring of 2023!

Teacher Appreciation Lunches

It has been the PSO tradition to provide lunch once a month for our faculty, traditionally on a Teacher Development day. Our next lunch is October 26th. Please sign up HERE for this year’s lunches that now take place on WEDNESDAYS. For your convenience, we have all of the dates added to the sign up for the whole year; the software will then send you monthly reminders. This is a great opportunity to volunteer in person and/or donate some of the food items needed!


Snowstorm is coming! Please keep a look out in the next weekly blast for the information on this year’s campaign.


Thank you to all who helped with the Symposium on Monday, we are so grateful!!

PSO Monthly Meetings

Our October Board meeting is November 3rd; please keep posted in case we need to change this day. See below the dates for our Board meetings for the rest of the year.

Day, Date Month Time Location
Thursday, 3rd November 5.30pm Library
Thursday, 1st December 5.30pm Library
Thursday, 5th January 5.30pm Library
Thursday, 2nd February 5.30pm Library
Thursday, 2nd March 5.30pm Library
Thursday, 6th April 5.30pm Library
Thursday, 4th May 5.30pm Library


Our system is still open for weekly ordering, but you can (and this seems easier) order for the whole month in one go. Our weekly ordering closes at 10:00 pm each Thursday evening. Please make sure to email with questions regarding the lunch program.

Our daily vendors are the following:

Monday – Raising Canes
Tuesday – Culver’s
Wednesday – Half Day: No Lunch Provided
Thursday – Chick Fil A
Friday – Barros

Please click HERE to place your lunch orders.

Donuts on Fridays 

Please remind your students about the fun tradition of donuts in the courtyard! They can purchase a donut and either juice or milk for only $1.00 starting at 7:15am each Friday.

Have a great week!


PSO Contacts
President – Debbie Ayer
Treasurer – Lorenzo Gonzalez
Secretary – Cathy Cleland
Lunches – Polsia Faris
Important Links
Glendale Prep PSO Website Page
Lunch Ordering – Use Password “griffins4”
Glendale Prep Athletics Website
School Events Calendar

Booster Store
eScrips Fundraiser
AmazonSmile Fundraiser
Official GP Facebook Page
Unofficial Parent-Run Facebook Page