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Weekly PSO Blast 08.30.23

August 31, 2023 -

Dear Glendale Prep Families,

Are we ready for the retreat? The High School students are going to have a great time!

PSO Board Meeting

Our first Board Meeting of the year will be Thursday, September 7th at 5:30 pm in the Glendale Prep Library, and we hope to see you there! PSO is a fun way to get involved with your student’s academic career! We have a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year, and we welcome everyone to come and participate in the Board Meetings. This is an opportunity to share your ideas and be informed about the upcoming events. Please note September 7th on your calendar to come and introduce yourself as well as share your thoughts and ideas!

Uniform Exchange and Spirit Store

We will be hosting a Uniform Exchange on Saturday, September 23rd in the Archway MPR and a Spirit Store on Monday, October 16th in the GP Courtyard during Lunch and Lyceum. Keep your eyes peeled for additional updates in next week’s blast!

Teacher Appreciation Lunch

Our next TA lunch is September 20th!  Thank you to all those who have already signed up but there are still a few spots left.  If you would like to donate or volunteer, please sign up HERE. We can’t do it without you and the teachers appreciate it so much!


Our system is now open for weekly ordering, but you can (and this seems easier) order for the whole month in one go. Our weekly ordering closes at 10:00 pm each Thursday eveningPlease make sure to email with questions regarding the lunch program.

Our daily vendors are the following:

Monday – Raising Canes
Tuesday – Culver’s
Wednesday – Half Day: No Lunch Provided
Thursday – Chick Fil A
Friday – Sardella’s

Please click HERE to place your lunch orders.


PSO Contacts
President – Debbie Ayer
Treasurer – Lorenzo Gonzalez
Secretary – Cathy Cleland
Lunches – Polsia Faris
Important Links
Glendale Prep PSO Website Page
Lunch Ordering – Use Password “griffins4”
Glendale Prep Athletics Website
School Events Calendar

Booster Store
eScrips Fundraiser
Official GP Facebook Page
Unofficial Parent-Run Facebook Page