Weekly Blast 9.02.22
September 2, 2022 -
School Dates to Note
- Sep 5 Labor Day No School (R&R)
- Sep 8 College Night- Sophomores
- Sep 15 College Night- Freshmen
- Sep 23 Picture Day
- Sep 24 Great Hearts Gala
- Oct 3-7 Fall Break (No School)
- Oct 10-14 Conferences and Project Week (No School)
Table of Contents
- A Note from the Headmaster
- IMPORTANT! Family Handbook
- Time with the Headmaster
- Yearbook Enrichment
- Athletic Eligibility
- Enrichment Courses
- Community Investment
- Tutoring Schedule
- Diamondbacks Great Hearts Day 2022
- Dress Code Reminders
- College Counseling
- Athletics
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents,
Today our high school students return from their retreat in Williams, Arizona. Our students, teachers, staff, work crew (composed of parents and alumni), roughly 340 people, shared time together in the high country. Students not only had hours of free time to play basketball, volleyball, ping pong, pool, swim, zipline, but we also planned karaoke, House competitions, bonfires, smores, shared meals, cabin time, and of course, seminar. I am so grateful for the parents and alumni who spent hours cooking each meal, serving our students, and cleaning up. It is important our children see love and care from others with the hope that they too will return years from now to serve and give back. I want to specifically thank Ms. Valentine for her leadership in taking over the retreat this year and for all the individuals who have helped her over the last few weeks. My vision is that this retreat remains a tradition at GP, providing an opportunity for students to be known and loved, form lasting friendships, and come away with cherished memories.
Here are some pictures:
Have an enjoyable three-day weekend,
Mr. Navarrette
IMPORTANT! Family Handbook
Last week you received an email from our Enrollment department about e-signing the family handbook. This is mandatory, and is also quick and easy! Thank you to the many who have already taken a moment to e-sign this document. For those who still need to sign, please follow THIS link. Simply:
- Login to your enrollment portal
- Scroll down to the large box that says Arizona Academy Compact and Family Handbook
- Click on the blue “Compact and Family Handbook Link and E-Sign” button
- Click on the blue “Show Application” button, then on the green “Review and E-Sign Family Handbook” button
- Be sure to navigate back to the Enrollment Parent Portal to accept and sign with your electronic signature
After you “Accept” and click “NEXT” you will receive an email confirmation to the email registered in the enrollment portal. You will need to do one for EACH child enrolled at Glendale Prep. If you have questions or need more detailed direction please follow the instructions in your August 18th email from ghenrollment@greatheartsaz.org titled ” Glendale Preparatory Academy Family Handbook for 2022-23.”
Time with the Headmaster
Join us for an opportunity to spend time with Mr. Navarrette and other members of the administration, and be a guest in the classroom. Please sign up HERE and bring any questions you have. Be careful when signing up to choose the Time with the Headmaster event and not a School Tour, which is designed for families on our waitlist. This event is for adults only. We look forward to seeing you!
Yearbook Enrichment Course
Do you want to bring your own touch to the Yearbook 2022-2023? Writers, editors and photographers… we need many talents and qualities to build our team. To join the Yearbook Enrichment Course, please come to the information meeting on Friday Sept. 9th during first Lyceum in room 201. Middle and high school students are welcome!
For more information, please contact Madame Cognet-Pereira at ccognet-pereira@glendaleprep.org
Athletic Eligibility
GP Athletics is continuously striving for excellence in all we do. As a student-athlete, it is important that you feel both supported and encouraged as a student first. Success in the classroom is not easily achieved: it requires effort and discipline on all levels. This year, GP Athletics will continue our grade and eligibility process. Please click HERE and save a copy to easily access this information for the remainder of the season. Mr. Hawkins and the coaching staff will inform families of all eligibility decisions and disciplines.
Enrichment Courses
Enrichment Courses are now available on the payment portal! Please click HERE to see the myriad of options. From art and music to robotics and film, there is something for everyone!
Community Investment
When you use the QR code below…you impact the minds and hearts of 614 young scholars!
Tutoring Schedule
The Fall semester tutoring schedule has been published! There are hard copies available in the front office and it can also be downloaded HERE. The most recent tutoring schedule is always found on our website under the “Academics” tab and is linked at the bottom of this Blast.
Diamondbacks Great Hearts Day 2022
Great Hearts is partnering again this year with the Arizona Diamondbacks to offer a Great Hearts Day at Chase Field on September 17th. Please see the attached flyer for details and ticket ordering instructions.
Dress Code Reminders
Ladies: We are still noticing that some young ladies’ skirts are too short. Skirts must be VERY close to touching the knees. If the skirt is not close to the knees (perhaps your daughter has grown?!) you do have a couple of choices: take out the hem to make the skirt longer or buy a new skirt. Please note that the PSO will have a Used Uniform Exchange is Saturday, September 24th 8:30-11:30 am if your student needs a new skirt. See Wednesday’s PSO Blast for details!
Nose piercings are not allowed. Also, make-up should be modest and not distracting.
Gentlemen: Hair MUST not touch the collar or the ears and must not reach the eyes.
Infractions add up and after 3 dress code infractions a detention will be issued.
Most of our students are following our dress code guidelines and we thank you for your diligence.
Parents, please check to make sure that your child is in compliance when he/she leaves for school.
College Counseling
SAVE THE DATE! Class specific nights are offered by College Counseling to provide families with information and guidance in the college process throughout each year of high school. Students and at least one parent should plan on attending.
- SOPHOMORE NIGHT: Thursday, September 8, 2022 from 6pm-7:30pm in the Archway MPR.
- FRESHMAN NIGHT: Thursday September 15, 2022 from 6pm-7:30pm in the Archway MPR
MIDWEST COLLEGE SHOWCASE: This virtual college fair series is taking place on two different evenings: Wednesday, September 14 at 3:00pm or Thursday, September 15 at 4:00pm. Use this LINKto register for this event and view member colleges.
COLLEGE REP VISITS TO CAMPUS: Come hear about various colleges and universities without leaving campus! Admissions Reps host student meetings from 12:15pm-1:00pm in the Library. You may bring your lunch. Indicate your attendance on the sign-up sheets on the College Counseling bulletin board.
- Wabash College – Thursday, September 8
- Hillsdale College – Friday, September 9
High School Cross Country has their first meet of the year this Saturday at the Chandler Invite at Tumbleweed Park. Good Luck Griffins!
High School Volleyball has their first game of the season Wednesday 9/7 against Chandler Prep! JV plays at 5:00 pm, Varsity plays at 6:00 pm!
Middle School Fall Sports Game Schedules have been finalized! Schedules can be found HERE.
Fall Sports Payment and Fees are due by the 1st game of the season for each individual team! if you have not already done so, please pay using the links below:
Parents interested in volunteering with Athletics please sign up HERE. Contact Tim Terpstra at gp_apo@glendalepreppo.org with any questions!
Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook
Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
Liberty Buick & GMC, Penny Chiropractic, West Valley Pain Solutions, Nally Paint Co., Blue Chip Auto Glass, Total Presence Management, Shipley Orthodontics, and Wow Wow Lemonade (Lake Pleasant & Happy Valley Location)!
Contact them today and tell them Glendale Prep sent you!
Contact Information
Lynn Kimpel, Office Manager
Attendance Line:
623-889-0822 Option 4
or attendance@glendaleprep.org
Websites and Links
Glendale Prep Website
Glendale Prep PSO Website
GP Athletics Website
“Like Us” on Facebook
2022-2023 School Calendar
Event Calendar
Booster Items
GP Family Handbook
Payment Portal
Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4”
Tutoring Schedule