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Weekly Blast 8.12.22

August 12, 2022 -

School Dates to Note

  • Aug 16 College Night Seniors
  • Aug 18 College Night Juniors
  • Aug 20 Study Skills Workshop
  • Aug 25 Curriculum Night
  • Aug 31- Sept 2 High School Retreat
Table of Contents

  • A Note from the Headmaster
  • Study Skills Workshop
  • Tutoring Schedule- Coming Soon
  • Dress Code Reminders
  • College Counseling
  • High School Retreat
  • Athletics
A Note from the Headmaster

Hello Parents,

We have had a wonderful full week of school; I thought it fitting to share some highlights. In observing classes this week, I was able to see first-hand what we want for our children when we consider their education- for their minds to be engaged and for them to be active learners. This week we also had our first half-day. If you recall, the goal is to provide opportunity for our teachers to discuss how best to serve students, as well as develop in their calling as a teacher. Teachers from each grade-level were able to meet, reflect upon the first few days of school, and come away with specific goals for individual students and sections. Finally, we also had our first off campus Senior Retreat. Our seniors spent two nights and three days together, talking about the goal of unity and building community. We very much want them to be active leaders on our campus this school year.

Enjoy the weekend,

Mr. Navarrette

Study Skills Workshop

Glendale Prep’s study skills workshop will be held on Saturday, August 20th from 8:15 am to 11:30 am in the courtyard classrooms. This workshop is highly recommended for 6th graders and new students, but all GP students are welcome to join. Students must wear their school uniform.

There will be four 45-minute sessions taught by Glendale Prep teachers:

  1. Organization and Time Management
  2. Reading and Annotating
  3. Note-Taking and Test Preparation
  4. Homework and Projects

Students should attend the workshop with one parent. The cost for each student/parent pair is $20 ($30 for multiple siblings attending with a parent). Please use THIS LINK to make this payment through the Glendale Prep payment portal.

Tutoring Schedule- Coming Soon

We are in the process of developing our fall semester tutoring schedule. You will find this linked in this Blast, on our website, and posted in the front office soon!

Dress Code Reminders

Most students are doing a wonderful job adhering to our dress code; however, we are noticing a few trends that need to be addressed:

  • Boys hair must be styled above the eyes and not touching the ears or collar.
  • Skirts need to touch the top of the knee and if they do not, please either release the hem or purchase skirts that are the appropriate length.
  • Nail polish is permitted, but must be nude, pink, red, or classic white-tipped French manicure.  Additionally, the nails should barely extend beyond the fingertips.
  • Bracelets must be metal. No fabric or rubber bracelets are allowed.
  • Watches must not have the capability to send or receive text messages, nor may they access the internet.

Please be aware that after three dress code infractions students will be issued an after-school detention.

College Counseling

SAVE THE DATE! Class specific nights are offered by College Counseling to provide families with information and guidance in the college process throughout each year of high school. Students and at least one parent should plan on attending.

  • SENIOR NIGHT: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 from 6pm-7:30pm in the Archway MPR.
    This meeting additionally provides essential information for seniors and their families related to the Senior Trip and the Senior Thesis.
  • JUNIOR NIGHT:  Thursday, August 18, 2022 from 6pm-7:30pm in the Archway MPR.
  • SOPHOMORE NIGHT:  Thursday, September 8, 2022 from 6pm-7:30pm in the Archway MPR.
  • FRESHMAN NIGHT: Thursday September 15, 2022 from 6pm-7:30pm in the Archway MPR

COLLEGES THAT CHANGE LIVES: Member schools made up of distinctively different liberal arts colleges are hosting an information session and college fair in Phoenix, AZ on Wednesday, August 17 from 7pm-9pm. Follow this LINK to view event details and register.

High School Retreat

TODAY is the last day to sign up for the High School Retreat at Lost Canyon! If you are planning to have your student attend, please submit your payments to the payment portal by the end of the day today, Friday, August 12th. If you would like to volunteer, please be sure you email Ms. Valentine.

Contact Information Change?

Have you moved or had a change of phone number or email? Please be sure to fill out an Information Update Form and email it along with a new proof of residency to Mrs. Kimpel at, or bring both items to the front office during regular office hours.


Glendale Prep has a NEW Athletics Website!

All Athletes will need to now register on

  • Help & Instructions can be found under the “FILES & LINKS” section.
  • Registrations must be completed by the 1st day of practice/tryouts!
  • Reach out to for registration questions

Fall Sports Payments & Fees can be found on the GP Payment Portal:

  • Middle School Sports found HERE.
  • High School Sports found HERE.

** Payments/ fees are due by the first game of the season!

Middle School Sports: 1st day of Practice is this Monday, 8/15.  All registrations must be done and cleared in order to participate.

Want to volunteer in Athletics? Join the APO today. Please contact Tim Terpstra at for more information of how you can help!

Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook

Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
Liberty Buick & GMC, Penny Chiropractic, West Valley Pain Solutions, Nally Paint Co., Blue Chip Auto Glass, Total Presence Management, Shipley Orthodontics, and Wow Wow Lemonade (Lake Pleasant & Happy Valley Location)!

Contact them today and tell them Glendale Prep sent you!



Contact Information
Lynn Kimpel, Office Manager

Attendance Line:
623-889-0822 Option 4

Websites and Links
Glendale Prep Website
Glendale Prep PSO Website
GP Athletics Website
“Like Us” on Facebook
2022-2023 School Calendar
Event Calendar
Booster Items
GP Family Handbook
Payment Portal
Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4”
Tutoring Schedule