Weekly Blast 8.05.22
August 5, 2022 -
School Dates to Note
Table of Contents
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents, It has been a delightful first two days of school. I wanted my first blast to share about a change when it comes to discipline, coaching, and our partnership with you, as we exhort and guide our students to seek goodness, as well as work for restoration with a teacher. After reflecting and gathering feedback from teachers, parents, and students over the last school year, I confirmed that we have not been consistently affirming the following principle: “No coaching without consequence, and no consequence without coaching.” Our hope has always been that if a teacher decided to issue a detention, that consequence would come after a conversation with a student that involved coaching. The teacher and student could discuss expectations, attitude, behavior, and perspectives; however, for various reasons, at times, that conversation has not been taking place. Thus, we need to ensure that discussion and coaching is taking place. So, here is the new process when it comes to teachers and the consequence of issuing a detention.
We also have a clear escalation process when it comes to multiple detentions in a quarter; it will lead to more conversations with you and very specific consequences. If you have questions about the new process, please reach out to me or Mr. Kontak, our Dean of Students. I am very hopeful this new process will ensure conversation, coaching, and partnership with you. Sincerely, Community Investment What an exciting year we all have ahead of us! I hope your first few days have been joyful as our students connect with friends and teachers for this 2022-23 school year. For myself, I am grateful for the privilege to serve our campus in my seventh year in Academy Giving. My role is to raise the necessary funds for Glendale Prep that make our classical liberal arts curriculum possible. We do this through two vital campaigns, Community Investment and our Arizona Public School Tax Credit campaign. I look forward to sharing more about how you can partner with our Glendale Prep community and support our great academy. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me at 623.889.0822 should you need any assistance starting your school year. Go Griffins! In the service of our students and teachers, Friendly Dress Code Reminders Nearly all of our students were aware of the dress code particulars and updates. However, we are seeing the need for a few reminders.
Thank you so much for your diligence and for partnering with us to be make this a successful year! College Counseling SAVE THE DATE! Class specific nights are offered by College Counseling to provide families with information and guidance in the college process throughout each year of high school. Students and at least one parent should plan on attending.
High School Retreat This is the last week to sign up for the High School Retreat at Lost Canyon! If you are planning to have your student attend, please submit your payments to the payment portal by Friday, August 12th. If you would like to volunteer, please be sure you email Ms. Valentine by August 12th. Athletics Fall Sports Meet the Coach Night is taking place this coming Monday 8/8 at 6:00 pm in the GP Courtyard! The following sports are being offered for Athletes this Fall:
Glendale Prep has a NEW Athletics Website & Registration Platform! All Athletes will need to now register on: https://greatheartsglendaleathletics.org/
Fall Sports Payments & Fees can be found on the GP Payment Portal: ** Payments/ fees are due by the first game of the season! Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast: Contact them today and tell them Glendale Prep sent you!
Contact Information Attendance Line: |
Websites and Links Glendale Prep Website Glendale Prep PSO Website GP Athletics Website “Like Us” on Facebook 2022-2023 School Calendar Event Calendar Booster Items GP Family Handbook Payment Portal Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4” Tutoring Schedule |
www.glendaleprep.org |