Weekly Blast 5.20.22
May 20, 2022 -
School Dates to Note
Table of Contents
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents, Last evening was our spring athletics award ceremony. It was a wonderful event that showcased the 295 student-athletes who participated on a middle school or high school team. While there were many memorable events and appreciation shared, what I noticed the most is how our students love to arrive at events like this and be together. After almost an entire school year, at the end of a long week of review, and hours after the school day ended, the student found more joy from one another than maybe even standing and receiving applause from a crowd. Their communal bond appears to matter most and be most meaningful. They belong! This is what so many of us work for each and every day. This is the fruit we hope to see. I am excited for the coming week, and while students are hustling and bustling to study for finals, I fundamentally believe they show up every day with joy because they know they will be with so many people that will know them and notice them. Have a nice weekend, Book Return- Next Week! We will be collecting textbooks next week after each final (see below). Please work with your child to be sure he or she has all textbooks and they are in reasonable condition (erase any markings and tape any torn pages). Students should bring each textbook to that class’s final. Finals Week The schedule for finals week (May 23-27) is outlined below; each day is a half day. Please review this information carefully with your child(ren). Because final exams are a culmination of all that students have learned first semester, if you have any appointments to be scheduled, please make them after early release or for another day. Finals missed due to unavoidable conflicts will be made up during the week of May 30-June 3 or receive a no credit. Contact our Assistant Headmaster Matthew Yost (MYost@GlendalePrep.org) if this applies to you or if you have any questions. Monday, May 23 Review day in all classes. Early release (12:05). Tuesday, May 24 Final exams for first and second periods. Early release (12:05). Wednesday, May 25 Final exams for third and fourth periods. Early release (12:05). Thursday, May 26 Final exams for fifth and sixth periods. Early release (12:05). Friday, May 27 Awards ceremony assembly, yearbook distribution, and locker/campus cleanout. Early release (12:05). On each testing day, the bell schedule will be as follows: 8:05-9:40 Exam Lastly, here are some tips to help your children find success and wellbeing in the next week: Lost and Found Is your student missing that favorite lunchbox or water bottle? How about his or her GP sweater or notebook? Please direct your children to the lost and found to collect any missing items; the lost and found will be purged on the last day of school. Summer School 2022 We are pleased to announce that Glendale Prep will be offering Summer School from June 7th through June 30th. Please see this brochure for course offerings and other information, and sign up through this link. There are also course offering at Veritas, Scottsdale, and North Phoenix this summer for those looking for additional classes. Links for registration are embedded in the attached brochures. Study Skills and Tutoring Workshop for New GP Students The week of 5/23 – 5/26 is finals week, which can be a stressful time for students. To help, the mentorship program will be hosting a study skills and tutoring workshop for all students finishing their first year at GP on Monday, 5/23, after school (this day is early dismissal at 12:05 pm). The workshop will run from 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm, with 30 minutes to eat lunch in the cafeteria between the end of school at the beginning of the workshop. The workshop itself will take place in various classrooms, with our mentor students (upper classmen high school volunteers) answering specific content questions and teaching beneficial studying techniques. If you would like your student to attend, please ensure he or she has lunch for right after school, and please plan for pick up promptly at 1:45 pm on the north pick up curb. There is no sign up required. Students will hear about this event during the announcements from Wednesday 5/18 – Monday 5/23. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Trerise at RTrerise@glendaleprep.org. Drama Double Header End the school year by taking in a FREE show! The Grade 11 and 12 students will be presenting a double feature of titles on Saturday, May 21st:
Community Investment We need $21,000 more to reach our 2021-22 Community Investment campaign goal! Glendale Prep’s academic model is only possible because of the loyal support of families like yours into Community Investment. In truth, our school does not exist without Community Investment! Did you know we start each school year with $1,500 less per student than public schools in Arizona? This is why we need all of our Glendale Prep families to partner with us in bridging this funding gap. We understand each family’s situation is unique, so we encourage families to give as they are able. Remember, 100% of your gift stays at Glendale Prep, and directly supports our teachers and students in the classroom. You participation is vital to our academy! If you have yet to give to Community Investment, please click here.Every dollar makes a difference! For assistance, or if you have questions regarding the critical role Community Investment plays in our school, please reach out to Cathy Sparks at csparks@glendaleprep.org. Thank you! Eighth Grade Promotion Parents of eighth-grade students are reminded that the Eighth-Grade Promotion will be held for parents only on Tuesday, May 24 from 1:10-2:10 PM. Please see separate email or contact Mr. Yost for more information. Anton Uniform Try-On Event- Save the Date Anton Uniforms will be having a uniform try-on event June 14th from 3:00-7:00 pm and June 15th from 9:00 am- 1:00 pm in the GP Library. Anton will not be selling at the event, but will provide a variety of uniform pieces and sizes to ensure you are ordering the correct size for your student. They will also be offering either a discount on your order or free shipping! Mark your calendars! Not Returning to Glendale Prep? If your plans have changed and you will not be returning to Glendale Prep for the 2022-2023 school year, please contact Mrs. Kimpel at LKimpel@GlendalePrep.org to let her know as soon as possible. College Counseling
Athletics Girls Basketball Camp – Are you ready to take your basketball skills to the NEXT LEVEL? Sign-up HERE TODAY! Strength & Conditioning Summer Training (7th grade – 11th grade boys & girls) – Click HERE to gain access to the payment portal for all summer strength training programs. The GP Strength and Conditioning staff will run specific programs incorporating strength and agility this summer. We highly encourage all 7th- 11th graders to participate and hope to see them soon! Coach’s contact information is below for any questions on scheduling: Football – raddicott@glendaleprep.org Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email JGarrison@glendaleprep.org. Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
Contact Information Attendance Line: |
Websites and Links Glendale Prep Website Glendale Prep PSO Website GP Athletics Website “Like Us” on Facebook 2021-2022 School Calendar Event Calendar Booster Items GP Family Handbook Payment Portal Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4” Tutoring Schedule |
www.glendaleprep.org |