Weekly Blast 5.13.22
May 13, 2022 -
School Dates to Note
Table of Contents
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents, We have our last full week of school coming up. I have been asking students from 6th grade to 12th grade if they think the school year has gone by fast. It has felt very fast for me. It seems only a few years ago I taught these seniors, and now they are two weeks from saying goodbye to Glendale Prep. It is good to think about time. There are sunsets and sunrises for a reason; so too the phases of the moon, seasons, and the cycle of a school year that provides moments to stop and reflect, consider what is of greatest value, and ponder what we give our lives to as parents and educators. Psalm 90 puts it like this: Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. I shared with seniors that they might be counting down the days, which may be a bit different that the what the Psalmist is suggesting. Rather than count down the days, we should certainly cherish them: each and every day we receive, we will never get back. Despite our circumstances, we are always in control of whether we find hope or joy or the secret of contentment; we have before us always a choice to live our lives meaningfully, seeking to leave a legacy that is lasting. It has been a significant school year; may we learned to cherish our days and one another. Sincerely, Book Return- Coming Soon! We will be collecting textbooks the last week of school after each final. Please work with your child to be sure he or she has all textbooks and they are in reasonable condition (erase any markings and tape any torn pages). Students should bring each textbook to that class’s final. Summer School 2022 We are pleased to announce that Glendale Prep will be offering Summer School from June 7th through June 30th. Please see this brochure for course offerings and other information, and sign up through this link. There are also course offering at Veritas, Scottsdale, and North Phoenix this summer for those looking for additional classes. Links for registration are embedded in the attached brochures. Study Skills and Tutoring Workshop for New GP Students The week of 5/23 – 5/26 is finals week, which can be a stressful time for students. To help, the mentorship program will be hosting a study skills and tutoring workshop for all students finishing their first year at GP on Monday, 5/23, after school (this day is early dismissal at 12:05 pm). The workshop will run from 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm, with 30 minutes to eat lunch in the cafeteria between the end of school at the beginning of the workshop. The workshop itself will take place in various classrooms, with our mentor students (upper classmen high school volunteers) answering specific content questions and teaching beneficial studying techniques. If you would like your student to attend, please ensure he or she has lunch for right after school, and please plan for pick up promptly at 1:45 pm on the north pick up curb. There is no sign up required. Students will hear about this event during the announcements from Wednesday 5/18 – Monday 5/23. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Trerise at RTrerise@glendaleprep.org. Drama Double Header End the school year by taking in a FREE show! The Grade 11 and 12 students will be presenting a double feature of titles on Saturday, May 21st:
Community Investment As we prepare to close out this 2021-22 school year, words cannot express how thankful we are for your support in Community Investment! It is truly because of your generous giving that Glendale Prep has been able to shepherd our students in becoming Great Hearted young men and women! We are thankful and humbled by all of the Glendale Prep families that stepped up and gave to this year’s Community Investment campaign. Thank you for putting your money where your heart is! In the service of our students and teachers, P.S. It is not too late! Please go online today and give. Thank you for your support! Eighth Grade Promotion Parents of eighth-grade students are reminded that the Eighth-Grade Promotion will be held for parents only on Tuesday, May 24 from 1:10-2:10 PM. Please see separate email or contact Mr. Yost for more information. Not Returning to Glendale Prep? If your plans have changed and you will not be returning to Glendale Prep for the 2022-2023 school year, please contact Mrs. Kimpel at LKimpel@GlendalePrep.org to let her know as soon as possible. Spring Concert As a reminder, all 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students taking Music this semester are required to participate in the Spring Concert Tuesday, May 17th at Haven Church (formerly Glendale Nazarene Church). The Middle School concert begins at 5:30 pm and the High School concert begins at 7:00 pm. Students must provide their own transportation the evening of the concert and middle school students must arrive at the church by 4:30 pm to warm-up and get into position. High school students must arrive at the church by 5:55 pm. Rehearsal for the Spring Concert will take place during the school day on Monday, May 16th. Students will be transported from the school by bus. Concert attire for middle-school boys: White long-sleeved collared dress shirt and black dress slacks Concert attire for middle-school girls: A white blouse and solid black dress slacks or skirt (may not be shorter than the knee) or a black dress covered with a white blouse or cardigan (must have a cap-sleeve or longer) Concert attire for high-school students: Concert attire for high school is all black for both boys and girls. Boys will wear black long-sleeved collared dress shirts with black slacks, black belt, black dress shoes, and no tie. Girls will wear a black dress or black blouse with a black skirt or black dress slacks and black dress shoes (open-toed dress shoes and reasonable heels are permitted.) Ladies concert dresses must follow the dress code in the family handbook. Attire must be professional, modest, and follow Glendale Prep dress code guidelines. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Kratz at akratz@glendaleprep.org, Mrs. Oganessian at DOganessian@archwayglendale.org, Mr. Yost at myost@glendaleprep.org or Mr. Liles at eliles@glendaleprep.org. Academy for Classical Teachers- and Parents, Too! The Academy for Classical Teachers is offering online enrichment courses this Summer, and Great Hearts families are invited to join us! Our faculty includes Great Hearts teachers and leaders, as well as colleagues from Arizona State University, Hillsdale College, Howard University, Templeton Honors College, and the University of Dallas. Learn about Children’s Literature, Tolkien, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Mathematics, Music, the Seven Liberal Arts, the teaching of history, and more! To register and learn more, visit: www.greatheartsamerica.org/act. College Counseling
Athletics Region Award Winners: Click HERE to see softball region award winners. Iron Griffin Award Winners– Congratulations to Haydn Wilson and Judah Mizysak for winning Iron Griffin of the month! Keep up the great work in GP Strength and Conditioning! Girls Basketball Camp – Are you ready to take your basketball skills to the NEXT LEVEL? Sign-up HERE TODAY! Wiffle Ball Tournament – GP Athletics is excited to announce our 2nd Annual Wiffle Ball Tournament for the 2021-2022 school year! Please the sign up link HERE for all information. This event will be held May 20th at 6:00 pm here at Griffin Stadium! Come one, come all! Strength & Conditioning Summer Training (7th grade – 11th grade boys & girls) – Click HERE to gain access to the payment portal for all summer strength training programs. The GP Strength and Conditioning staff will run specific programs incorporating strength and agility this summer. We highly encourage all 7th- 11th graders to participate and hope to see them soon! Coach’s contact information is below for any questions on scheduling: Football – raddicott@glendaleprep.org Purchase Athletics Photos – Click HERE to gain access to action shots from your child’s athletic season! Mr. Lam and Mr. McBee do a phenomenal job each season. Thank you, gentlemen! Save the date: Spring Sports Ceremony on 5/19/22 at 5:30 pm in the Moyes Gymnasium. APO Volunteers: (Parent Volunteers at Games! Join Us!) Email gp_APO@glendalepreppo.org to join or learn more! Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email JGarrison@glendaleprep.org. Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
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Websites and Links Glendale Prep Website Glendale Prep PSO Website GP Athletics Website “Like Us” on Facebook 2021-2022 School Calendar Event Calendar Booster Items GP Family Handbook Payment Portal Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4” Tutoring Schedule |
www.glendaleprep.org |