Weekly Blast 4.29.22
April 29, 2022 -
School Dates to Note
Table of Contents
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents, Last night we had a parent discussion regarding social media. I am so thankful for the work Mr. Brown has done this school year. I learned so much last night when it comes to the prevalence and possible dangers of social media. My big takeaway is that we need to be involved in our children’s lives, talking with them daily, and setting clear boundaries. We do not know what we do not know. Attached is his presentation as well as a link to a video he showed regarding cyberbullying. Sincerely, Summer School 2022 We are pleased to announce that Glendale Prep will be offering Summer School from June 7th through June 30th. Please see this brochure for course offerings and other information, and sign up through this link. Eighth Grade Promotion Parents of eighth-grade students are reminded that the Eighth-Grade Promotion will be held for parents only on Tuesday, May 24 from 1:10-2:10 PM. Please see separate email or contact Mr. Yost for more information. Junior & Senior Promenade The 2022 Junior & Senior Promenade is this Saturday, April 30th, 2022! A masquerade ball awaits you as you dine and dance among the pristine gardens and elegant rooms of the Palace of Versailles. Please note… the directions do differ from what Google & Maps apps will provide: Anthem Country Club—Ironwood Ball Room **Take I-17 North towards Flagstaff. Exit on Daisy Mountain. Turn Right on Daisy Mountain. Continue on Daisy Mountain until it ends at Anthem Way and turn Right. Take your first Left on Anthem Hills Drive into the Security Guardhouse and check in. Clubhouse will be on the Right up ahead on Anthem Hills Drive. Great Hearts Gala Save the Date! The 5th annual Great Hearts Gala is on September 24, 2022 at Chateau Luxe, and ‘Emerald City’ is the theme for this year’s event. Funds raised at the event support our outstanding faculty and the Teacher Excellence Fund. Sponsorships start at $7,500 and are available now. If capacity allows, individual tickets will go on sale for $300/piece in early August. To guarantee your seats, we encourage you to either purchase a full table or take advantage of our new “Premiere Couple” early bird tickets for $1000/piece available now at www.greatheartsgala.org. If you are interested in sponsoring the 2022 Gala, or donating auction items, please contact Haley Kucharo, Great Hearts Development Officer, at hkucharo@greatheartsaz.org or 602-438-7045 ext. 490. You may also reach out to Cathy Sparks at csparks@glendaleprep.org with questions. Spring Concert As a reminder, all 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students taking Music this semester are required to participate in the Spring Concert Tuesday, May 17th at Haven Church (formerly Glendale Nazarene Church). The Middle School concert begins at 5:30 pm and the High School concert begins at 7:00 pm. Students must provide their own transportation the evening of the concert and middle school students must arrive at the church by 4:30 pm to warm-up and get into position. High school students must arrive at the church by 5:55 pm. Rehearsal for the Spring Concert will take place during the school day on Monday, May 16th. Students will be transported from the school by bus. Concert attire for middle-school boys: White long-sleeved collared dress shirt and black dress slacks Concert attire for middle-school girls: A white blouse and solid black dress slacks or skirt (may not be shorter than the knee) or a black dress covered with a white blouse or cardigan (must have a cap-sleeve or longer) Concert attire for high-school students: Concert attire for high school is all black for both boys and girls. Boys will wear black long-sleeved collared dress shirts with black slacks, black belt, black dress shoes, and no tie. Girls will wear a black dress or black blouse with a black skirt or black dress slacks and black dress shoes (open-toed dress shoes and reasonable heels are permitted.) Ladies concert dresses must follow the dress code in the family handbook. Attire must be professional, modest, and follow Glendale Prep dress code guidelines. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Kratz at akratz@glendaleprep.org, Mrs. Oganessian at DOganessian@archwayglendale.org, Mr. Yost at myost@glendaleprep.org or Mr. Liles at eliles@glendaleprep.org.
Athletics Girls Basketball Camp – Are you ready to take your basketball skills to the NEXT LEVEL? Sign-up HERE TODAY! Sport Physicals- Saturday, April 30th from 9:00 am- 1:00 pm the CORE Institute in North Phoenix will be offering Sport Physicals for all 5th- 11th graders for $25. Please see the flyer HERE for more information. Wiffle Ball Tournament – GP Athletics is excited to announce our 2nd Annual Wiffle Ball Tournament for the 2021-2022 school year! Please the sign up link HERE for all information. This event will be held May 20th at 6:00 pm here at Griffin Stadium! Come one, come all! Strength & Conditioning Summer Training (7th grade – 11th grade boys & girls) – Click HERE to gain access to the payment portal for all summer strength training programs. The GP Strength and Conditioning staff will run specific programs incorporating strength and agility this summer. We highly encourage all 7th- 11th graders to participate and hope to see them soon! Coach’s contact information is below for any questions on scheduling: Football – raddicott@glendaleprep.org Purchase Athletics Photos – Click HERE to gain access to action shots from your child’s athletic season! Mr. Lam and Mr. McBee do a phenomenal job each season. Thank you, gentlemen! Save the date: Spring Sports Ceremony on 5/19/22 at 5:30 pm in the Moyes Gymnasium. APO Volunteers: (Parent Volunteers at Games! Join Us!) Email gp_APO@glendalepreppo.org to join or learn more! Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook Tax Credits: We are kicking off a new year and need YOU! Contact csparks@glendaleprep.org for tax credit questions and details. Your tax credits directly support GP Athletics! BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email JGarrison@glendaleprep.org. Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
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Websites and Links Glendale Prep Website Glendale Prep PSO Website GP Athletics Website “Like Us” on Facebook 2021-2022 School Calendar Event Calendar Booster Items GP Family Handbook Payment Portal Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4” Tutoring Schedule |
www.glendaleprep.org |