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Weekly Blast 4.15.22

April 14, 2022 -

School Dates to Note

  • April 15 No School; R&R Weekend
  • April 23 12th Grade Drama Performance
  • April 29 Senior Matriculation Day
  • April 30 Prom/R&R Weekend-11th/12th Grades Only
  • May 6 Early Release 12:05
  • May 12 Senior Dinner
  • May 13-14 8th Grade Drama Performances
  • May 16 Spring Concert Rehearsal
  • May 17 Spring Concert
  • Jul 28 Save the Date: BOOKSTORE
Table of Contents

  • A Note from the Headmaster
  • Yearbook: Deadline for Personalized Pre-Orders
  • Senior Drama Performance- Date Change
  • Tax Credit
  • Spring Concert
  • Senior Thesis
  • College Counseling
  • Athletics
A Note from the Headmaster

Hello Parents,

It was certainly nice to have a shorter week, and now we can look forward to additional time with family. Of course, students are pleased to have a second R&R weekend. On Tuesday of this week, we had our New Parent Orientation for the first time in two years. It was wonderful to see the new families who we will welcome into our community in the Fall; some shared stories about being on the waitlist for three and four years. As it was our first opportunity to share time together, we wanted to leave a great first impression, but I also wanted to talk about trust. Parents place trust in the school. We do not take that lightly but want to honor that trust. I shared with parents that we are partners together, so I made specific requests regarding trust. They were as follows:

Trust us to know your child and love your child.

Trust us to make decisions that may require you to do some work at home; you are still the most important person in your child’s life.

Trust us to make calls in area of moral character. We will hold your son or daughter accountable to a higher standard. We care ultimately about the men and women of character they will become, not that they will simply get into college or get a job. We want their time at GP to be transformative and foundational when it comes to personal integrity.

Trust us enough to follow a process of problem solving and conflict resolution. If you have concerns with a teacher, someone in administration, me, bring those concerns to the relevant people first to have a conversation. Share your concerns, so we can have a conversation about what is best for you child. We are partners!

Lastly, trust us, knowing we are not perfect. We will make mistakes, we will own them, and we will hope for grace as we restore the relationship with you or your child just as we know your children will make mistakes, be called to own them, and mature and grow by the grace we bestow upon them.

Thank you for trusting us and have a wonderful weekend,
Mr. Navarrette

Yearbook: Deadline for Personalized Pre-Orders

The deadline for personalized yearbook pre-orders is fast approaching! Ensure that your child will receive one of these coveted books with his or her name embossed in gold foil by April 17th. Yearbooks are $50 and $56 with the gold foil personalization HERE.

Senior Drama Performance- Date Change

The Grade 12 students will be presenting the historical modern drama Inherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee on Saturday, April 23rd at 3pm in the GP Gymnasium.  This date and time has been changed from the original date of April 29 at 7pm; please make that change in your calendars and be sure to join us on April 23rd for this immersive courtroom experience.  The students of period 3 have been working hard all semester and this show is sure to offer memorable moments, conversation starters, and wonderful performances from this dynamic group of students.  Admission is free and we will be having refreshments during intermission; cash only.  Proceeds will go towards the Grade 12 trip to D.C. next month.  Hope to see you in court!

Tax Credit


Arizona allows you to contribute up to $400 to charter schools, and take the full amount as a dollar-for-dollar credit on your state tax liability.  There is no out-of-pocket cost because you are simply redirecting the taxes you already owe the State of Arizona to Glendale Prep.  If you have not yet filed your 2021 taxes, you can still give your Tax Credit before April 18th, 2022.  Click here to give your 2021 Arizona State Tax Credit.  Thank you for your support!


Community Investment is Glendale Prep’s most vital campaign, and the most important contribution you can make each year!  Your tax-deductible gift allows us to fully fund and operate our Great Hearts Classical Liberal Arts education for all Glendale Prep students.  We ask for $1,500 per student per academic year to cover the difference between what we receive from the State of Arizona, and what it costs to run our campus.  We understand not every household can give at this level, so we ask that you give as you are able.  Every gift makes a difference!  Click here to give to this year’s 2021-22 Community Investment campaign.  Thank you for supporting our students and teachers!

Spring Concert

As a reminder, all 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students taking Music this semester are required to participate in the Spring Concert Tuesday, May 17th at Haven Church (formerly Glendale Nazarene Church). The Middle School concert begins at 5:30 pm and the High School concert begins at 7:00 pm. Students must provide their own transportation the evening of the concert and middle school students must arrive at the church by 4:30 pm to warm-up and get into position. High school students must arrive at the church by 5:55 pm.

Rehearsal for the Spring Concert will take place during the school day on Monday, May 16th. Students will be transported from the school by bus.

Concert attire for middle-school boys:

White long-sleeved collared dress shirt and black dress slacks
Black necktie (bowties are not allowed)
Black belt, socks, and dress shoes
No denim, external pockets, or patterned tops

Concert attire for middle-school girls:

A white blouse and solid black dress slacks or skirt (may not be shorter than the knee) or a black dress covered with a white blouse or cardigan (must have a cap-sleeve or longer)
Black dress shoes (open-toed dress shoes are permitted, but flip-flops or boots will not be allowed)
Solid black tights are permitted, but leggings are not
Nail polish must follow dress code guidelines
No denim, external pockets, or patterned tops

Concert attire for high-school students:

Concert attire for high school is all black for both boys and girls. Boys will wear black long-sleeved collared dress shirts with black slacks, black belt, black dress shoes, and no tie. Girls will wear a black dress or black blouse with a black skirt or black dress slacks and black dress shoes (open-toed dress shoes and reasonable heels are permitted.) Ladies concert dresses must follow the dress code in the family handbook.

Attire must be professional, modest, and follow Glendale Prep dress code guidelines.

If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Kratz at, Mrs. Oganessian at, Mr. Yost at or Mr. Liles at

Senior Thesis

Senior Thesis and Defense Panels are an integral part of the high school experience at Glendale Prep. Students have worked for almost a year on their Senior Thesis. All panels will consist of two main parts: 1) The Thesis Presentation- a brief presentation (of about 10 minutes) in which the student will highlight the essential ideas of the paper; and 2) The Thesis Panel Discussion- a panel of three faculty readers will be convened to conduct a discussion with the student about his or her Thesis. Parents are invited to attend.

The following students will have their panels next week:

Senior Student Date, Time, and Location
Nikita Shishkov Monday 4/18 at 3:30 in the GP Library
Brendan Rogers Monday 4/18 at 3:45 in room 409
Ian Penny Tuesday 4/19 at 3:30 in the GP Library
Patricia Szabo Tuesday 4/19 at 3:45 in room 409
Avery Sulzer Wednesday 4/20 at 3:30 in room 408
Teresa Covey Wednesday 4/20 at 3:45 in room 409
Juan Kallookaran Thursday 4/21 at 3:30 in the GP Library
Stephanie Squires Thursday 4/21 at 3:45 in room 409
Audrey Hawkins Friday 4/22 at 3:30 in the GP Library
Carine Wahba Friday 4/22 at 3:45 in room 409

College Counseling

  • MIDWESTERN UNIVERSITY HEALTH CAREERS INSTITUTE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: This is a free educational opportunity for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to explore a variety of health professions. Students are selected through an application process. Follow this LINK for more information and application. Deadline to submit an application is May 1, 2022.
  • COLLEGE COUNSELING WEBPAGE: For information related to additional summer programs and College Counseling events, use this LINK to view our page on the Glendale Prep website.


Wiffle Ball Tournament – GP Athletics is excited to announce our 2nd Annual Wiffle Ball Tournament for the 2021-2022 school year! Please the sign up link HERE for all information. This event will be held May 20th at 6:00 pm here at Griffin Stadium! Come one, come all! 

Strength & Conditioning Summer Training (7th grade – 11th grade boys & girls) – Click HERE to gain access to the payment portal for all summer strength training programs. The GP Strength and Conditioning staff will run specific programs incorporating strength and agility this summer. We highly encourage all 7th- 11th graders to participate and hope to see them soon! Coach’s contact information is below for any questions on scheduling:

Football –
Boys Basketball –
Girls Basketball –
Girls Soccer –
Boys Soccer –
Cross Country –
Volleyball –
7th grade (rising8th graders) –

Purchase Athletics Photos – Click HERE to gain access to action shots from your child’s athletic season! Mr. Lam and Mr. McBee do a phenomenal job each season. Thank you, gentlemen!

Save the date: Spring Sports Ceremony on 5/19/22 at 5:30 pm in the Moyes Gymnasium.

APO Volunteers: (Parent Volunteers at Games! Join Us!) Email to join or learn more!

Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook

Tax Credits: We are kicking off a new year and need YOU! Contact for tax credit questions and details. Your tax credits directly support GP Athletics!

BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email

Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
Liberty Buick & GMC, Clear Air Conditioning & Heating, Penny Chiropractic, West Valley Pain Solutions, Nally Paint Co., Blue Chip Auto Glass, Total Presence Management, Shipley Orthodontics, Wow Wow Lemonade (Lake Pleasant & Happy Valley Location), and Forman Motorworks!
Contact them today and tell them Glendale Prep sent you!



Contact Information
Lynn Kimpel, Office Manager

Attendance Line:
623-889-0822 Option 4

Websites and Links
Glendale Prep Website
Glendale Prep PSO Website
GP Athletics Website
“Like Us” on Facebook
2021-2022 School Calendar
Event Calendar
Booster Items
GP Family Handbook
Payment Portal
Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4”
Tutoring Schedule