Weekly Blast 2.25.22
February 25, 2022 -
School Dates to Note
Table of Contents
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents, I wanted to make you aware of something that may be common among adolescents but should be on our radar as parents- roasting. I recently overheard a parent share that her child said, “I am just tired of being told I am trash.” This dynamic of roasting- playful insults in the beginning that turn into meanness and cruelty generally involves a group dynamic of the many giving the few/one a hard time for the amusement of all but the one. Whether this occurs because of immaturity, insecurity, or cruelty, it needs to be addressed early and often. We have to coach our children to be able to identify it, name it as something that is not good, to not partake in it, and encourage friends to stop. Whether intended or not, it hurts. “Kidding around” or “joking” can quickly become something else entirely. I leave you with a proverb that you might consider sharing with your children: A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself. Sincerely, Re-Enrollment Begins March 1st- Sign Up Now! All current Glendale Prep sixth through eleventh grade families will receive an email on March 1st to begin the process of re-enrollment for the 22/23 school year. Sign up HERE to bring in your forms. Please be sure to check your email on March 1st for details on how to re-enroll. Re-enrollment is the time to secure or release your student’s seat for the 22/23 school year. Dinner and the Arts We are very excited that on March 5th we will have our first annual Dinner and the Arts parent event. Come in semi-professional attire to enjoy appetizers, mingle with other parents, and behold beauty. After sharing dinner together, we will enjoy a performance of Clue put on by Griffin Players. The night will wrap up with dessert and mingling with the cast. We hope you can join us for this community event. Please purchase tickets HERE. Below is the tentative schedule for the night. THIS IS NOT A FUNDRAISER; the cost of each ticket covers food, admission to see the play, and other supplies. The cost is $25 a ticket. This event is exclusively for Glendale Prep parents. Dinner and the Arts; March 5, 2022 5:00-5:45 Appetizers and Drinks; Studio art and music exhibition and demonstrations Griffin Players Present Clue The Griffin Players will present Clue, a madcap mystery-comedy based on the movie based on the board game. Mr. Boddy’s dead body is found in Boddy Manor, and nobody knows who did it and somebody will be next! Could it have been Miss Scarlet with the dagger in the dining room? Was it Colonel Mustard with the wrench in the library? Our cast, on the GP stage, killing it? There will be a performance for GP parents only on Saturday, March 5th as part of Dinner and the Artsevent. There will also be a performance open to students and the public on Friday, March 4th at 7:30pm in the GP gym. Tickets to the Friday performance are $10 for students and $15 for everyone else and are available HERE and at the door. Mentorship Attends Griffin Players We’re excited that our mentors will be attending the Griffin Players play Clue alongside any new students on Friday March 4th. This play is a madcap mystery-comedy based on the movie based on the board game. Please have all new students interested in attending for FREE with their mentor at school on Friday March 4th before 7:15 pm. Mentors and new students will meet in the courtyard before heading in together. It is worth noting that the mentorship program is covering the cost of all mentors and new students, but any other attendees will need to pay for their own tickets (HERE). You are encouraged to attend, as well, while your student enjoys the camaraderie with his or her mentorship group. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Trerise at rtrerise@glendaleprep.org. Community Investment Humane Letters is the capstone course of the Great Hearts high school experience. Students strive to better understand the world around them through the ideas of those who came before us. For this reason, Humane Letters is first and foremost a Great Books seminar, in which the reading and Socratic Discussion of great works compose the course. Your Community Investment supports this course and each student’s high school experience. To make a pledge to Glendale Prep’s 2021-22 Community Investment campaign, please click here. Thank you for supporting our scholars! We are honored to publicly recognize those families and friends who have contributed to the Community Investment campaign. Please click HERE for a listing of our 2021-22 Community Investment campaign donors as of February 23, 2022. Robotics This weekend both GP robotics teams attended the state competition in Flagstaff alongside about 40 total teams. Team 18421, Unscheduled Disassembly, composed of Adam Edmiston, Gabby Le, Alessandro Marcolini, Luciano Marcolini, Jake Senczakowicz-Gibo, and Logan Ritter earned the Judges Award and Team 18420, Metal Masters, composed of Lex Bodzin, Brennan Fahey, Belle Bodzin, Samuel Mahoney, Benjamin Ries-Clark, Teresa Joseph, and Isabella San Pablo were one of the teams in the winning alliance for the whole state competition, a first for any GP robotics team. Please congratulate them the next time you see any of the members of the robotics teams. The teams will begin recruiting for the next season. If your student is interested in joining robotics, please email Mr. Roper at broper@glendaleprep.org for an interest form that includes more information, dues, and requirements to be part of the team. Middle School Epic Cycle Middle School students are invited to join us TONIGHT, February 25th from 7:00-10:15 pm for a late night Epic Cycle! There will be a campfire reading of Beowulf–an ancient Anglo-Saxon myth–plus, snacks, games, and skits. Tickets are $20. Please register on the payment portal HERE. Parents of latecomers or students who have not paid on the portal must sign a permission form at the door the night of the event. Tonight: -Students must check-in at gym lobby. Phones must be checked-in upon arrival. Phones may be used to contact parents, if needed. -Comfortable warm clothing such as pajamas may be worn. Clothing must be school appropriate (No spaghetti straps, sleeveless shirts, no leggings, tight pants, or yoga pants, no inappropriate wording, no short shorts). Students who dress inappropriately will need to call home to receive appropriate attire or leave the event. Students are invited to bring cardboard and tape to create play swords and shields. It would be helpful to have these items between Feb 22- Feb 25. –Students may bring cards, board games, or other non-electronic games. -Students may bring a blanket and pillow. -Students with dietary restrictions should bring their own snacks. We will provide snack, but we will not be accommodating special requests. No energy drinks allowed. -All students must be picked up by 10:30 p.m. College Counseling
Athletics Region Recognition – GP Athletics is proud to share that 40% of our Varsity student athletes received region recognition this winter! Great job to all of our student athletes! Also, Coach DiPietro and Coach Brown won the Coach of the year for their respective regions! Spirit Award – GP Athletics has won the 2A Conference Spirit Award for the second year in a row! WE ARE GP! MS Playoffs: Congratulations to MS Girls Soccer A for winning Runner-Up in the Great Hearts Middle School League Championships. Save the date: The winter sports ceremony will be on March 2nd from 5:30 – 7:30 pm in the Moyes Gymnasium. We will honor and celebrate ALL winter student athletes in both the MS and HS Departments. APO Volunteers: (Parent Volunteers at Games! Join Us!) Email gp_APO@glendalepreppo.org to join or learn more! Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook Tax Credits: We are kicking off a new year and need YOU! Contact csparks@glendaleprep.org for tax credit questions and details. Your tax credits directly support GP Athletics! BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email JGarrison@glendaleprep.org. Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
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Websites and Links Glendale Prep Website Glendale Prep PSO Website GP Athletics Website “Like Us” on Facebook 2021-2022 School Calendar Event Calendar Booster Items GP Family Handbook Payment Portal Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4” Tutoring Schedule |
www.glendaleprep.org |