Weekly Blast 12.3.21
December 6, 2021 -
School Dates to Note
Table of Contents
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents, There is such power in trust. So much of my job and our lives is engaging with others. This was a week where I have come to be reminded of the absolute necessity of trust when it comes to every relationship, particularly familial or working relationships. I am not sharing anything novel, but we might find ourselves avoiding difficult conversation or more generally conflict averse, and I suspect that when this takes place, it is because there is not trust. A few years ago, I was reflecting about my role as a headmaster and considered three areas of trust when it comes to my faculty and staff.
I found that as I worked through each relationship in my mind, I did not doubt number one as much as number two but came to believe how vital number 3 is if I am ever to make progress with someone or work through any conflict. I also realize how important these three areas of trust are with our children. When I think of the teacher-student relationship, the very best teachers have built all three areas of trust. When I think of colleagues, the hope is that there is enough trust minimally to share candidly with one another when there is a disagreement or offense. Finally, I realize and never take for granted the trust we share with you as parents. That trust is most sacred and must be continually strengthen and nurtured. Most importantly, restoration is always needed when trust is broken. So many of you have made me and this school better through our interactions and conversations, all of which is built on trust. I thank you! Sincerely, Finals Week The schedule for finals week (December 13-17) is outlined below. Please review this information carefully with your child(ren). Because final exams are a culmination of all that students have learned first semester, if you have any appointments to be scheduled, please make them for after early release or for another day. Finals missed due to unavoidable conflicts will be made up after the winter break, resulting in an Incomplete grade on the evaluation. Contact our Assistant Headmaster Matthew Yost (MYost@GlendalePrep.org) if this applies to you or if you have any questions. Monday, December 13 No School. Use this day for study, preparation, and rest. Tuesday, December 14 Early release (12:05). Review day in all classes. Wednesday, December 15 Early release (12:05). Final exams for first and second periods. Thursday, December 16 Early release (12:05). Final exams for third and fourth periods. Friday, December 17 Early release (12:05). Final exams for fifth and sixth periods. On each testing day, the bell schedule will be as follows: 8:05-9:35 Exam Lastly, here are some tips to help your children find success and wellbeing in the next few weeks: Parent Seminar- December 11th Parents who are interested in a literature seminar are invited to join Mr. Dyer, Mr. Hayward, Mrs. Smith, and Mr. Wiebe for a discussion of the short story “The Battle with the Cannon” by Victor Hugo. The seminar will take place 9am to 11am on Saturday, December 11 at Glendale Prep. To sign up, please email Mr. Wiebe at pwiebe@glendaleprep.org. ACT Practice Test Attention Sophomores and Juniors! GP is offering an opportunity to take a practice ACT test tomorrow, Saturday, December 4th, 8:00 am at noon. After taking the test students will receive a score report; a College Counselor will compare that score with the estimated SAT score (derived from your child’s October PSAT score) to help determine if your student has an affinity toward one test over the other. If you are interested, please sign up HERE. The cost is $10.00. Please bring cash to the practice test on December 4th. Winter Concert As a reminder, all 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students currently taking Music this semester are required to participate in the Winter Concert Tuesday, December 7th at Haven Church (formerly Glendale Nazarene Church) 5902 W Cactus Rd. The Middle School concert begins at 5:30 pm and the High School concert begins at 7:00 pm. Students must provide their own transportation the evening of the concert and middle school students must arrive at the church by 4:30 pm to warm-up and get into position. High school students must arrive at the church by 5:55 pm. Rehearsal for the Winter Concert will take place during the school day on Monday, December 6th. Students will be transported from the school by bus. Students may need to bring lunch to eat at the church or will eat before or after their designated time of rehearsal. Please plan lunch ordering this day accordingly. Specific information will be sent home with those classes prior to the rehearsal. Permission slips were signed on the parent portal with consumables at the beginning of the school year. If we do not yet have this on file, a permission slip to ride the bus will be sent home and must be signed and returned by December 1. Concert attire for middle school boys:
Concert attire for middle school girls:
Concert attire for high school students- all black (please note this differs from the handbook):
Attire must be professional, modest, and follow Glendale Prep dress code guidelines. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Kratz at akratz@glendaleprep.org, Mr. Yost at myost@glendaleprep.org, or Mr. Liles at eliles@glendaleprep.org. Athletics Game Schedules: Visit glendaleprepathletics.com to view HS & MS game schedules. HS schedules are uploaded and MS schedules will uploaded in the coming weeks. MS Head Coaches will communicate game schedules via email and TeamApp when solidified and then will be added to the website at that time. Carson von Aspen Memorial Basketball Tournament: Come join the fun and participate in the 2nd annual Carson von Aspen Memorial Basketball Tournament. This tournament is supported by GP Basketball and is open to the public. This is a half-court 3×3 basketball tournament with two different brackets. Click HERE for more details.
APO Volunteers- (Parent Volunteers at Games! Join Us!) Email gp_APO@glendalepreppo.org to join or learn more! Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook Tax Credits: We are kicking off a new year and need YOU! Contact csparks@glendaleprep.org for tax credit questions and details. Your tax credits directly support GP Athletics! BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email JGarrison@glendaleprep.org. Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
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Websites and Links Glendale Prep Website Glendale Prep PSO Website GP Athletics Website “Like Us” on Facebook 2021-2022 School Calendar Event Calendar Booster Items GP Family Handbook Payment Portal Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4” Tutoring Schedule |
www.glendaleprep.org |