Weekly Blast 12.17.21
December 17, 2021 -
School Dates to Note
- Dec 20- Jan 5 Winter Break (No School)
- Jan 6 First Day Second Semester
Table of Contents
- A Note from the Headmaster
- Faculty Play
- Uniform Policy Reminder
- Yearbook
- Caroling
- Middle School Latin Tutoring
- Community Investment
- Middle School Dance
- Athletics
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents,
I am so proud of the work our students and teachers accomplished this semester. Students were energized and smiling through the halls all week, unless there was anxiety about that one final. Everyone is certainly excited now to be on break. The feeling of community is strong as another year’s end approaches, and we anticipate the New Year with various changes and transitions that so often come in our lives. I encourage you to sit down with your child, when the dust settles of course, and have a conversation. Which classes were most exciting? Challenging? Interesting? What do you like most about House Days? What students in your kin from other grades are you getting to know? What goals are you setting for Semester II? Any enrichment courses or sports you would like to join? Do you know anyone who looks like they need a friend? How can you begin that first conversation? How can you welcome him or her into your friend group? How can you show love to those who might be bothersome? What does GP need; have you talked to Mr. Navarrette about that idea?
So much growth in life comes from reflection and conversation.
One update I will leave with you- We are excited to share about the return of the Griffin Quarterly. This is a publication entirely comprised of Glendale Prep writers and contributors. We are hopeful that this, like all traditions at GP, grows to become excellent and another integral part of our community. HERE is the link!
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and an enjoyable break,
Mr. Navarrette
Faculty Play
Join the Griffin Players for the faculty play, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. This frothy comedy of love and mistaken identify stars Mr. Mobbs, Mr. Wiebe, Ms. Poore, and Ms. Bryant, with supporting performances by Mrs. LeTrent, Mrs. Park, Mr. Dyer, Mr. Cecil and Mr. Selle. Performances will be on Saturday, January 15th at 2pm and 7:30pm. Tickets are $10 for students and $15 for everyone else; HERE on the GP payment portal and at the door.
Uniform Policy Reminder
As a reminder, only pants and skirts may be worn to school in third quarter. Shorts may not be worn until after Spring Break. Additionally, gentlemen may not wear ankle socks with pants. “Socks must be white or solid black, navy, or dark brown in color, and extend above the ankle and be free of visible brand logos, patterns, or decorations.” Please email Mrs. Kratz with questions.
The much awaited and much anticipated 2021-2022 Yearbook is finally available on the payment portal! Mrs. Park and her Yearbook Student Team are working hard to create an excellent book for the 2021-2022 school year! Please reach out to Mrs. Park with any questions- she and her student team will be happy to assist. Click HERE to reserve your copy now! A special early bird price is still available tonight (Friday) until midnight!
Attention all singers! All GP families and alumni are welcome to join in Christmas Caroling this Monday, December 20th from 5-7pm. We will eat cookies, drink hot chocolate, and sing Christmas Carols in the surrounding neighborhood. Meet in the GP courtyard. Please reach out to Mr. Liles with questions.
Middle School Latin Tutoring
Students from both the Mentorship and Community Service Groups will be offering tutoring services for Middle School Latin on Wednesdays after school from January 12th through March 9th. Students will be released from tutoring at 4:00pm. If you are interested in having your middle school student participate, the cost for the quarter (a total of nine sessions) is $25 and monies will be used to support both these groups. You can sign up on the Parent Payment Portal HERE. If you have questions, please email Mrs. Sarbacker.
Community Investment
A Great Hearts education at Glendale Prep is only possible with the support of our families and friends. We are sincerely grateful for everyone who has already made a gift this year to ensure that we can continue providing the classical education you choose for your scholar. Your gifts to Community Investment and your contribution of your Public School Tax Credit matter, and are crucial to the success of our academy. If you have yet to make your contribution, we encourage you to do so today as December 31st is the last day to make a charitable gift to Community Investment to deduct on your 2021 taxes. You may donate to Community Investment through this link and take advantage of the Arizona State Tax Credit program through this link. With a grateful heart, Cathy Sparks
Middle School Dance
We are excited to announce the middle school dance will be on January 21st. All 7th and 8th graders are invited to attend a Night at the Shire for a long-expected dance party! Tickets will be $15 through January 14th and $20 thereafter. Please pay on the GP payment portal HERE.
Dress code for boys:
- Dress pants (no jeans, shorts, or pants with an exposed back pocket) of an appropriate length and fit with a belt.
- A properly fitted collared dress shirt. Bare midriffs or deep V-neck shirts are not acceptable.
- Socks and dress shoes or non-marking shoes (such as Vans or high-tops) to be worn throughout the night. No bare feet or sandals.
- No dyed hair or hats. Hair should be trimmed appropriately.
Dress code for girls:
- Skirts or dresses with hems that approach the knee or appropriately fitted dress pants. (No shorter than a 3-inch index card when held landscape from the top of the knee.)
- Cap-sleeve and tank-top blouses/dresses are allowed.
- No strapless or spaghetti-strap blouses/dresses.
- No bare midriffs or deep V-neck blouses.
- Dress shoes with tights or socks or non-marking shoes (such as Vans or high-tops) to be worn throughout the night. No bare feet or casual sandals.
- Hair should be styled appropriately.
Game Schedules: Visit glendaleprepathletics.com to view HS & MS game schedules. HS schedules are uploaded and MS schedules will uploaded in the coming weeks. MS Head Coaches will communicate game schedules via email and TeamApp when solidified and then will be added to the website at that time
APO Volunteers- (Parent Volunteers at Games! Join Us!) Email gp_APO@glendalepreppo.org to join or learn more!
Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook
Tax Credits: We are kicking off a new year and need YOU! Contact csparks@glendaleprep.org for tax credit questions and details. Your tax credits directly support GP Athletics!
BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email JGarrison@glendaleprep.org.
Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
Liberty Buick & GMC, Clear Air Conditioning & Heating, Penny Chiropractic, West Valley Pain Solutions, Nally Paint Co., Blue Chip Auto Glass, Total Presence Management, Shipley Orthodontics, and Wow Wow Lemonade (Lake Pleasant & Happy Valley Location)!
Contact them today and tell them Glendale Prep sent you!
Contact Information
Lynn Kimpel, Office Manager
Attendance Line:
623-889-0822 Option 4
or attendance@glendaleprep.org
Websites and Links
Glendale Prep Website
Glendale Prep PSO Website
GP Athletics Website
“Like Us” on Facebook
2021-2022 School Calendar
Event Calendar
Booster Items
GP Family Handbook
Payment Portal
Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4”
Tutoring Schedule