Weekly Blast 12.10.21
December 10, 2021 -
School Dates to Note
Table of Contents
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents, There is a power to analogy. Some of the more meaningful analogies illustrate a virtue. The virtue of perseverance is analogous to running a race. Sometimes, the entirety of life is compared to a race. Many of you likely have some familiarity with these words- Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. As we come to the culmination of another semester, we are reminded of the importance of beginning the race, running the race, but most importantly, finishing the race…or at least finishing one leg of the race. The passage I referenced seems to indicate that life often brings a leg of a race we did not anticipate or maybe even would prefer not to run. We might have an idea of the ideal race, but so often, another race is marked out for us. Those moments in life when the direction or surface of the race changes drastically can bring anxiety or excitement or frustration; those moments are likely more about us than about the race for in the end, we become who we are by running the race. These moments we do not anticipate or might even dread as they approach are calling us to continue running, not because we have to, but because we know it will make us better. No runner begins a race with a goal to not finish; no runner sets out to run with intensity at the beginning only to bumble and stumble across the finish line with no heart of joy. We often forget while running the race that others are running with us; some are behind us, others in front, and still others right next to us. There is such comfort in looking to the side to see those who are running the same leg of the race with us. Generations have come before and have finished their race and are cheering us on to victory. As we approach finals weeks and the end of a year, let us be encouraged to run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us exhort our children to finish their leg of the race with determination. I am proud of the work we share together as a community in raising our children up to be thoughtful, caring, confident, and determined young men and women. Sincerely, Yearbook The much awaited and much anticipated 2021-2022 Yearbook is finally available for preorder on the payment portal! For the last week of the semester only (through December 17th) you could save big with our early bird special! For this last week of school, you can purchase your child’s yearbook for only $36 dollars! You can even add a gold foil name for personalization for only $5 more! Make sure you act fast and place your order while our early bird special lasts- once this sale is over it won’t be coming back. Mrs. Park and her Yearbook Student Team are working hard to create an excellent book for the 2021-2022 school year- take advantage of this special while it lasts! The Early Bird Yearbook Special: $36 yearbook, $5 gold foil name option If you have any questions or concerns, please be sure to reach out to Mrs. Park- she and her student team will be happy to assist you. Please click HERE to reserve your copy now! Finals Week The schedule for finals week (December 13-17) is outlined below. Please review this information carefully with your child(ren). Because final exams are a culmination of all that students have learned first semester, if you have any appointments to be scheduled, please schedule them after early release or for another day. Finals missed due to unavoidable conflicts will be made up after the winter break, resulting in an Incomplete grade on the evaluation. Contact our Assistant Headmaster Matthew Yost (MYost@GlendalePrep.org) if this applies to you or if you have any questions. Monday, December 13 No School. Use this day for study, preparation, and rest. Tuesday, December 14 Early release (12:05). Review day in all classes. Wednesday, December 15 Early release (12:05). Final exams for first and second periods. Thursday, December 16 Early release (12:05). Final exams for third and fourth periods. Friday, December 17 Early release (12:05). Final exams for fifth and sixth periods. On each testing day, the bell schedule will be as follows: 8:05-9:35 Exam Lastly, here are some tips to help your children find success and wellbeing in the next few weeks: 11th Grade Drama Productions Join us for a day of Shakespearean drama this Saturday, December 11th! The 11th Grade classes have been diligently preparing all quarter for these productions. Join the party in the forest at 2:00 pm as period one shares the hilarious story of love and forgiveness in As You Like It. Return for Julius Caesar at 7:30 pm to see how period four brings this curricular text to life! Admission is free. Each performance will run approximately two hours with a brief intermission. Your Arizona State Tax Credit Wishing you could support GP’s athletic program, non-curricular clubs, field trips, on-campus event, and character building activities? You can! When you give your Arizona State Tax Credit to GP, you support our students in all these events, and you receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona State Taxes. That means no money out of your pocket! Plus, your student will be entered to win in this year’s Tax Credit Contest. Remember, the grade that brings in the most tax credits before December 31st, will receive an ice cream party, and spirit wear day! In addition, the student who brings in the most tax credits will win a catered lunch at their own private table with two friends, plus a GP Swag Bag! Athletics Game Schedules: Visit glendaleprepathletics.com to view HS & MS game schedules. HS schedules are uploaded and MS schedules will uploaded in the coming weeks. MS Head Coaches will communicate game schedules via email and TeamApp when solidified and then will be added to the website at that time. Carson von Aspen Memorial Basketball Tournament: Come join the fun and participate in the 2nd annual Carson von Aspen Memorial Basketball Tournament. This tournament is supported by GP Basketball and is open to the public. This is a half-court 3×3 basketball tournament with two different brackets. Click HERE for more details. Date: December 18th, 2021 Location: Moyes Gymnasium
APO Volunteers- (Parent Volunteers at Games! Join Us!) Email gp_APO@glendalepreppo.org to join or learn more! Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook Tax Credits: We are kicking off a new year and need YOU! Contact csparks@glendaleprep.org for tax credit questions and details. Your tax credits directly support GP Athletics! BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email JGarrison@glendaleprep.org. Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
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Websites and Links Glendale Prep Website Glendale Prep PSO Website GP Athletics Website “Like Us” on Facebook 2021-2022 School Calendar Event Calendar Booster Items GP Family Handbook Payment Portal Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4” Tutoring Schedule |
www.glendaleprep.org |