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Weekly Blast 1.21.22

January 21, 2022 -

School Dates to Note

  • Jan 21 7th & 8th Grade Dance
  • Feb 4 Early Release 12:05; Sr. Mini Retreat
  • Feb 8 State Stand-Alone Writing Field Test- MS Only
  • Feb 12 High School Winter Dance
  • Feb 18 Field Day; Early Release 12:05
  • Feb 21 President’s Day- No School; R&R
  • Feb 25 Middle School Epic Cycle
  • March 4 Early Release 12:05; PSO Lunch
  • Mar 8 National Latin Exam- MS Only
Table of Contents

  • A Note from the Headmaster
  • Study Buddy and SII Tutoring Schedule
  • High Front Office Traffic Next Week
  • The Great Hearts Gala is Back!
  • Middle School Dance
  • High School Winter Formal
  • Symphonic Strings and Winds
  • Night of the Griffins- Date TBA
  • Quarter 2/ Semester 1 Evaluations
  • Career Fair
  • College Counseling
  • Athletics
A Note from the Headmaster

Hello Parents,

I recently shared in a recorded faculty meeting something that has been on my mind when it comes to community and working together. I wonder if some of what I asked my team to consider could be applicable in your various relationships and contexts.

I posed the question- What does it mean to be a good colleague?

Teachers prioritize students first and foremost, but we have to be our best not only for our students but for those who labor alongside us each day. Here is the list that I provided to teachers and staff that might be a good start to ensuring they are good colleagues-

Be available– The job demands much of a teacher’s preparation period. They must lesson plan, grade, reading, create assignments/assessments, and tend to emails that one can hunker down at the desk and forget about his or her colleagues in the faculty office. Simple greetings and questions about one’s day is the first step toward availability.

Be observant– If we can notice when students need some love, extra help, or someone who can listen, we should be able to do that for and with one another.

Be vulnerable– Humility will lead us to see that others can be a source of comfort and support even if it means they “do” nothing for us other than be a thought partner. Sometimes that is all we need.

Be candid– If you do not see what appears to be a good attitude, excellence, a diligent work ethic, or the expected follow through in a colleague, come with questions. We need to be able to come with questions and love to exhort one another to be better.

Built trust first- You cannot have moments of genuine collegiality, vulnerability, and candidness if there is not trust. Trust requires patience and a spirit of helping to carry each other’s burdens. We must leave room for seeing growth in one another.

I am blessed to work with wonderful people who seek to serve students while encouraging one another in our calling. It is honor to lead these fine men and women.

Mr. Navarrette

Study Buddy and SII Tutoring Schedule

With increased illness and absences, it is so important for students to have a study buddy. This is a classmate who can share about homework assignments or pertinent information that was covered in class. We want our students to take personal responsibility for reaching out directly to a study buddy. This is the first step. There are certainly situations where a student can reach out directly to a teacher by email or find time to meet with a teacher upon the student’s return to school. Teachers are aware of the increased number of absences and are working to be patient when it comes to make-up work. If your child needs assistance in finding a study buddy, please contact Mr. Yost at

The semester II tutoring schedule has been finalized. Students should note time changes and room changes.  Attending tutoring is a great opportunity for a student to check in about what was covered in class and obtain necessary make-up work if the student was unable to connect with a study buddy. HERE is a link to download the Semester II Tutoring Schedule.

High Front Office Traffic Next Week!

Please be aware that with new student registration next week both our front office and Archway Glendale’s front office will be very busy. It may take a little longer to answer emails and phones. We ask for your patience as we welcome new families into our Glendale Prep family!

The Great Hearts Gala is Back!

We are excited to announce the return of the Great Hearts Gala for the 2022-23 school year!  The 5thannual Gala will take place on September 24, 2022 at Chateau Luxe, and ‘Emerald City’ will be the theme for this year’s event.  The Great Hearts Gala raises funds to benefit the Teacher Excellence Fund, which is distributed to our faculty as bonus compensation on an annual basis.  Glendale Prep received $25,020 in December 2021 from this initiative.  As we prepare for this wonderful evening, Glendale Prep is seeking two families (an individual and/or couple) to represent our academy on the 2022 Great Hearts Gala Committee.  A full description of the position can be found here.  If you are interested in serving on the committee, please contact Haley Kucharo at  You may also reach out to Cathy Sparks at with additional questions.

Middle School Dance

We are excited to announce the middle school dance will be TONIGHT 6:00-8:00 pm on January 21st. All 7th and 8th graders are invited to attend a Night at the Shire for a long-expected dance party! Tickets are $20. Please pay on the GP payment portal HERE. Please be prepared to show a receipt (electronic permitted) at the door if paid after 5:00 pm this evening. Parents will need to sign a paper permission slip at the door for all students paying cash the night of he event.

Dress code for boys:

  • Dress pants (no jeans, shorts, or pants with an exposed back pocket) of an appropriate length and fit with a belt.
  • A properly fitted collared dress shirt. Bare midriffs or deep V-neck shirts are not acceptable.
  • Socks and dress shoes or non-marking shoes (such as Vans or high-tops) to be worn throughout the night. No ba​re feet or sandals.
  • No dyed hair or hats. Hair should be trimmed appropriately.

Dress code for girls:

  • Skirts or dresses with hems that approach the knee or appropriately fitted dress pants. (No shorter than a 3-inch index card when held landscape from the top of the knee.)
  • Cap-sleeve and tank-top blouses/dresses are allowed.
    • No strapless or spaghetti-strap blouses/dresses.
    • No bare midriffs or deep V-neck blouses.
  • Dress shoes with tights or socks or non-marking shoes (such as Vans or high-tops) to be worn throughout the night. No bare feet or casual sandals.
  • Hair should be styled appropriately.

High School Winter Formal

We are excited to host the High School Winter Formal for all high school students! The dance will be held on February 12th in the GP gym. Product will be available soon on our Parent Payment Portal. Students are expected to adhere to the following dress code:

Gentlemen must wear:

  • Dress pants (no jeans, shorts, or pants with an exposed back pocket) of an appropriate length and fit.
    • Belts or suspenders are required.
  • A properly fitted collared dress shirt.
    • Bare midriffs or deep V-neck shirts are not acceptable.
    • Ties and bow ties are highly encouraged
  • Socks and dress shoes or non-marking shoes (such as Vans or high-tops) to be worn throughout the night.
    • No ba​re feet or sandals.
  •  Hair should be trimmed and styled appropriately.
    • No dyed hair or hats.

For ladies:

  • Skirts or dresses with hems that approach the knee or appropriately fitted dress pants. (No shorter than a 3-inch index card when held landscape from the top of the knee.)
  • Cap-sleeve and tank-top blouses/dresses are allowed.
    • No strapless or spaghetti-strap blouses/dresses.
    • No bare midriffs or deep V-neck tops (necklines must be higher than 4 finger-widths below the collar bone).
    • No see-through dresses, open-back dresses, or dresses with thigh-high slits.
  • Dress shoes with tights or socks or non-marking shoes (such as Vans or high-tops) to be worn throughout the night.
    •  No bare feet or casual sandals.
  • Hair should be styled appropriately.

We’re excited to host this event and hope all your children have a wonderful time!

Symphonic Strings and Winds

Students who play a symphonic instrument are encouraged to join the Symphonic Strings and Winds Enrichment Course this semester. String students will learn and perform a piece of orchestral repertoire, and the wind group will work on a variety of standard concert and jazz band techniques and pieces. Rehearsals will take place on Mondays during lunch/Lyceum, with an organizational meeting this Monday in room 211. Please sign up HERE and direct questions to Mrs. Kratz (

Night of the Griffins- Date TBA

The Night of the Griffins, sponsored by our wonderful PSO, promises to be a night filled with fun for the whole family! The date has now changed from that reported in the PSO Blast. More information to come!

Quarter 2/ Semester 1 Evaluations

Evaluations were released on January 6th. You may still access your child’s report card using this link: Please be sure to download and/or print a copy of your child’s report card before the PowerSchool parent portal closes TONIGHT.

Career Fair

Representatives from all Arizona academies, Special Education, the Athletics Department, Athenaeum, Nursing, and Human Resources will be present at the fair. This is a great chance for interested candidates to meet with school representatives and learn more about opportunities available for the 2022-23 school year. Please reach out to friends and family you believe would be valuable additions to one of our academies and invite them to attend this event.

When: January 29, 2022, from 9am – 12pm

Where: North Phoenix Preparatory Academy, 14100 N 32nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85032 (to be held in the outdoor courtyard, weather permitting)

* Certification is not required for general education teachers.

Interested candidates may register using this link.

Please contact with any questions. Thank you!

College Counseling

  • ACT PREP WORKSHOP: Any 11th grade student interested in attending an ACT Prep Workshop in preparation for the in-school ACT on Tuesday, April 5th should email interest to Mrs. Smith at by January 27th. View THIS flyer for more detailed information. Workshop will take place only if there is sufficient interest.
  • MAYO CLINIC SUMMER PROGRAM: Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students interested in careers in the medical field have the opportunity to explores options through this program offered by Mayo Clinic. Follow this LINK for more detailed information and online application. Application is due February 1, 2022 at 8am.
  • Great Hearts College Symposium is scheduled for Saturday, February 5, 2021 for all 11th and 10th students and parents. Save the date. Further details and registration information will be forthcoming.


Meet the Coach (Spring Sports): GP Athletics is inviting all interested families to attend the Meet the Coach evening on February 2nd at 6:00 pm in the GP courtyard. Learn information on the season and meet your child’s head coach!

MS Sport Offerings: Tennis, Track and Field, MS Basketball (Girls/Boys), Swim – Start Date, February 14th

HS Sport Offerings: Tennis, Track and Field, Softball, Baseball, Golf – Start Date, February 7th

Winter Sports Picture Day: 1/31/22, after school. Your coach will communicate your team’s specific time.

Game Schedules (Upcoming Playoffs):

MS Playoff Week for A Teams. B Teams will be given one bowl game.
-2/7 – 2/12 (MS Soccer, MS Baseball, and MS Softball). More information to come.

HS Playoffs: (Semi final rounds not displayed below, visit for details.)

HS Varsity Basketball Boys/Girls, (Times TBD)
– First Round: Fri., Feb. 18, Prescott area [check bracket]
– State Championship: Sat., Feb. 26, time TBD, VMC

HS Varsity Boys Soccer, (Times TBD)
– First Round: Tue., Feb. 8, 6 p.m.,@ High Seed
– State Championship: Fri., Feb. 18, 7:15 p.m., Championship Venue

HS Varsity Girls Soccer (Times TBD)
– First Round: Wed., Feb. 9, 6 p.m.,@ High Seed
– State Championship: Fri., Feb. 18, 5 p.m., Championship Venue

*Visit for detailed HS brackets.*

APO Volunteers: (Parent Volunteers at Games! Join Us!) Email to join or learn more!

Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook

Tax Credits: We are kicking off a new year and need YOU! Contact for tax credit questions and details. Your tax credits directly support GP Athletics!

BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email

Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
Liberty Buick & GMC, Clear Air Conditioning & Heating, Penny Chiropractic, West Valley Pain Solutions, Nally Paint Co., Blue Chip Auto Glass, Total Presence Management, Shipley Orthodontics, Wow Wow Lemonade (Lake Pleasant & Happy Valley Location), and Forman Motorworks!
Contact them today and tell them Glendale Prep sent you!



Contact Information
Lynn Kimpel, Office Manager

Attendance Line:
623-889-0822 Option 4

Websites and Links
Glendale Prep Website
Glendale Prep PSO Website
GP Athletics Website
“Like Us” on Facebook
2021-2022 School Calendar
Event Calendar
Booster Items
GP Family Handbook
Payment Portal
Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4”
Tutoring Schedule