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Weekly Blast 1.14.22

January 18, 2022 -

School Dates to Note

  • Jan 17 MLK/ Civil Rights Day- No School
  • Jan 21 7th & 8th Grade Dance
  • Feb 4 Early Release 12:05; Sr. Mini Retreat
  • Feb 12 High School Winter Dance
  • Feb 18 Field Day; Early Release 12:05
  • Feb 21 President’s Day- No School; R&R
  • Feb 25 Middle School Epic Cycle
  • Feb 28- Mar 4 National Latin/ Greek Exams
Table of Contents

  • A Note from the Headmaster
  • Faculty Play
  • Traffic Flow
  • Arizona State Public School Tax Credit
  • Middle School Latin Tutoring
  • Middle School Dance
  • Quarter 2/ Semester 1 Evaluations
  • Tutoring Schedule-Coming Soon!
  • College Counseling
  • Athletics
A Note from the Headmaster

Hello Parents,

There is a time and season for everything. Sometimes you plan your life one way, and then need to make a significant decision that feels like an alteration to “the plan.” We have lived through so many seasons of change here in the last few years. Change is not inherently problematic or unnatural. We are changeable in our nature, believing one thing as good one moment; the next moment, we might shift and pursue something else as an even greater good. We also know that routine, habit, process, and structure is extremely beneficial. How do we reconcile the reality of flux/change with the benefits of structure and routine we seek to establish in our lives? I think the answer is considering the end goal or the ultimate good. Every decision we make or action we take is a means to some end. So long as the final goal is kept in focus, a change in the steps or path, while frustrating at times or not what we had originally intended, does not keep us from what we ultimately want. Consider a road trip and having to take a detour. The detour was not planned, but after many hours of delay, you still arrive at the intended destination.

As parents, we often have to coach our children to consider that while change will indeed take place in our lives, we need to fix our eyes on the end goal. Assuming that goal is indeed good or the ultimate good, the changes along the way are not necessarily negative but can be positive and beneficial. Surprisingly, change can often times help us mature and instill in us great virtues, virtues such as patience, endurance, diligence, gratitude, humility, charity, camaraderie, and so many others.

I share these thoughts with you as our family is making a significant change when it comes to education of our youngest children. We are excited, blessed, unsure, and feel like new parents again, wondering if what we are doing is the best. I am sure we share those feelings with some of you. However, because we know the goal for our children remains steadfast, this change is something to embrace, and we find comfort and peace in a community we love.

Mr. Navarrette

Faculty Play

Join the Griffin Players for the faculty play, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. This frothy comedy of love and mistaken identify stars Mr. Mobbs, Mr. Wiebe, Ms. Poore, and Ms. Bryant, with supporting performances by Mrs. LeTrent, Mrs. Park, Mr. Dyer, Mr. Cecil and Mr. Selle. Performances will be on Saturday, January 15th at 2pm and 7:30pm. Tickets are $10 for students and $15 for everyone else; HERE on the GP payment portal and at the door.

Traffic Flow

We recently painted solid white lines in the traffic queue in an effort to discourage lane changes in the parking lot during morning drop off and afternoon pick up unless absolutely necessary.  Because Prep students are allowed to be dropped off on both the North and the East curb, parents should not need to switch lanes after entering the parking lot.  We made this decision after meeting with City of Peoria traffic officials, who believe we will cut off 10 minutes of drop off total time if parents refrain from changing lanes in the queue. Prep parents with Archway Glendale students, please pick one curb to drop off your children. Thank you.

Arizona State Public School Tax Credit

Thank you to all of our GP families who have already participated in our 2021 Arizona Public School Tax Credit drive!  We could not accomplish all that we do without your amazing support!  If you’ve yet to make your 2021 Tax Credit contribution to Glendale Prep, you have until April 15, 2022 to click here and still receive your contribution back as a dollar-for-dollar credit on your 2021 Arizona State taxes.  If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Sparks at 623.889.0822 or  Thank you for your supporting our students!

Middle School Latin Tutoring

Students from both the Mentorship and Community Service Groups will be offering tutoring services for Middle School Latin on Wednesdays after school from January 19th through March 9th. Students will be released from tutoring at 4:00pm. If you are interested in having your middle school student participate, the cost for the quarter (a total of nine sessions) is $25 and monies will be used to support both these groups. You can sign up on the Parent Payment Portal HERE. Tutoring will be capped at 25 students; please call the front office to be placed on the wait list if class is full. If you have questions, please email Mrs. Sarbacker.

Middle School Dance

We are excited to announce the middle school dance will be 6:00-8:00 pm on January 21st. All 7th and 8th graders are invited to attend a Night at the Shire for a long-expected dance party! Tickets will be $15 through January 14th and $20 thereafter. Please pay on the GP payment portal HERE.

Dress code for boys:

  • Dress pants (no jeans, shorts, or pants with an exposed back pocket) of an appropriate length and fit with a belt.
  • A properly fitted collared dress shirt. Bare midriffs or deep V-neck shirts are not acceptable.
  • Socks and dress shoes or non-marking shoes (such as Vans or high-tops) to be worn throughout the night. No ba​re feet or sandals.
  • No dyed hair or hats. Hair should be trimmed appropriately.

Dress code for girls:

  • Skirts or dresses with hems that approach the knee or appropriately fitted dress pants. (No shorter than a 3-inch index card when held landscape from the top of the knee.)
  • Cap-sleeve and tank-top blouses/dresses are allowed.
    • No strapless or spaghetti-strap blouses/dresses.
    • No bare midriffs or deep V-neck blouses.
  • Dress shoes with tights or socks or non-marking shoes (such as Vans or high-tops) to be worn throughout the night. No bare feet or casual sandals.
  • Hair should be styled appropriately.

Quarter 2/ Semester 1 Evaluations

Evaluations were released on January 6th. You may still access your child’s report card using this link: Please be sure to download and/or print a copy of your child’s report card before the PowerSchool parent portal closes on January 21st.

Tutoring Schedule- Coming Soon!

Teachers and administration are working diligently on creating the Semester 2 tutoring schedule. Please look for its release next week. Copies will be available in the front office, on our website under the “Academics” tab, and linked at the bottom of each Weekly Blast.

College Counseling

  • ACT PREP WORKSHOP: Any 11th grade student interested in attending an ACT Prep Workshop in preparation for the in-school ACT on Tuesday, April 5th should email interest to Mrs. Smith at by January 27th. View THIS flyer for more detailed information. Workshop will take place only if there is sufficient interest.
  • MAYO CLINIC SUMMER PROGRAM: Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students interested in careers in the medical field have the opportunity to explores options through this program offered by Mayo Clinic. Follow this LINK for more detailed information and online application. Application is due February 1, 2022 at 8am.
  • Great Hearts College Symposium is scheduled for Saturday, February 5, 2021 for all 11th and 10th students and parents. Save the date. Further details and registration information will be forthcoming.


Meet the Coach (Spring Sports): GP Athletics is inviting all interested families to attend the Meet the Coach evening on February 2nd at 6:00 pm in the GP courtyard. Learn information on the season and meet your child’s head coach!

MS Sport Offerings: Tennis, Track and Field, MS Basketball (Girls/Boys), Swim – Start Date, February 14th

HS Sport Offerings: Tennis, Track and Field, Softball, Baseball, Golf – Start Date, February 7th

Winter Sports Picture Day: 1/31/22, after school. Your coach will communicate your team’s specific time.

Game Schedules/ Gallery: Visit to view HS & MS game schedules and photo galleries provided by Tony Lam and David McBee. HS schedules and rankings can also be found on and MS standings can be found on (Search: GHMSL).

APO Volunteers: (Parent Volunteers at Games! Join Us!) Email to join or learn more!

Follow Us: @gpathleticdept – Instagram & @Glendale Prep Athletics – Facebook

Tax Credits: We are kicking off a new year and need YOU! Contact for tax credit questions and details. Your tax credits directly support GP Athletics!

BECOME A SPONSOR: Are you a business owner? Do you want to support the vision of GP Athletics? Become a sponsor today! Click THIS LINK to learn more or email

Thank you to our GOLD & Platinum Level Athletic Sponsors for today’s Athletic Blast:
Liberty Buick & GMC, Clear Air Conditioning & Heating, Penny Chiropractic, West Valley Pain Solutions, Nally Paint Co., Blue Chip Auto Glass, Total Presence Management, Shipley Orthodontics, Wow Wow Lemonade (Lake Pleasant & Happy Valley Location), and Forman Motorworks!
Contact them today and tell them Glendale Prep sent you!


Contact Information
Lynn Kimpel, Office Manager

Attendance Line:
623-889-0822 Option 4

Websites and Links
Glendale Prep Website
Glendale Prep PSO Website
GP Athletics Website
“Like Us” on Facebook
2021-2022 School Calendar
Event Calendar
Booster Items
GP Family Handbook
Payment Portal
Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4”
Tutoring Schedule