Weekly Blast 01.12.24
January 16, 2024 -
School Dates to Note
Table of Contents
A Note from the Headmaster
Hello Parents, As we start a new calendar year and come to the final semester of another school year, I wanted to thank you for your partnership and share the importance of how to work through conflict as we return to the hustle and bustle of another semester. Our school is unique; our educational model is unique. Our emphasis on moral character and the heart is unique. I often share with prospective parents that they might hear the phrase around Great Hearts circles “a classical, liberal arts education is the best education for all;” however, I also know that our school is not necessarily the education all parents will choose for their children. Parents may choose Glendale Prep for very different reasons, despite the areas where our school can improve or change. As a parent of students at GP, I understand how some aspects of the school (ex. rules, guidelines, drop off, pick up, etc.) can become burdensome or frustrating. Here is my request in the spirit of partnership: when a burden feels unnecessary or the frustration grows or begins to linger, please reach out to the relevant person to have a conversation. Sharing perspectives and growing to understand one another is what we hope our children learn in their time at GP. This is why it is so important for us to model this attitude, as well. We are not perfect, and we can get it wrong sometimes. What we must get right is how to work through conflict in a healthy and virtuous way. Please continue to support our partnership, even if it means having to share your concerns with me or others. We welcome it. As always, thank you for your trust; it is what makes our calling as educators so rewarding. Sincerely, Time with the Headmaster Join us for an opportunity to spend time with Mr. Navarrette and other members of the administration, and be a guest in the classroom. Please sign up HERE and bring any questions you have. This event is for adults only. We look forward to seeing you! Spring Semester Tutoring Schedule The Spring semester tutoring schedule has been published! There are hard copies available in the front office, and it can also be downloaded HERE. The most recent tutoring schedule is always found on our website under the “Academics” tab and is linked at the bottom of this Blast. 2024-2025 Tentative Family Calendar Our tentative family calendar for the 2024-2025 school year is ready for viewing on our website HERE. Please understand this calendar is still a draft and is subject to change, though all the major holidays and breaks are confirmed. Middle School Dance: Once Upon a Time We are excited to announce the middle school dance will be 6:00-8:00 pm on January 19th. All 7th and 8th graders are invited to attend a much-anticipated dance party! The theme is Once Upon a Time. Tickets are available on the portal HERE for $15 through TONIGHT, January 12th and $20 thereafter through 5:00 pm the day of the event. Tickets are $30 CASH ONLY at the door, and parents will need to sign a paper permission form in person before student entry to the dance for those who did not pay on the portal. Phones should be brought in a zip top baggie marked with the student’s name. Dress code for boys:
Dress code for girls:
If any student is out of dress code, parents will be called to bring other clothing or to take their student home. We will not provide clothing. Please read the above dress code guidelines closely and reach out to our Assistant Deans with questions to ensure this goes smoothly for your child. Please reach out to Ms. Mahoney at mmahoney@glendaleprep.org with other questions. After School Pickup/ Homework Club Please note that all students not enrolled in homework club must be off campus by 3:45pm. Students not enrolled in homework club will be escorted to homework club at 3:45pm and charged the $20 drop in fee. If you wish to sign up for monthly homework club, please see the link HERE. From our PSO Teacher Appreciation Lunch – Our next Teacher Appreciation lunch is January 17th! Thank you to all who have already signed up; there are still a few spots left. If you would like to donate or volunteer, please click HERE to sign up. We can’t do it without you and the teachers appreciate it so much! Items still needed:
Uniform Exchange: Big news! GP will have a used uniform exchange 9:00 AM- noon on Saturday, January 27th. PSO will have a variety of both middle and high school clothing available. You may also bring in your gently used uniform pieces and exchange them for a small credit at the used uniform store. We need volunteers to make this event possible! Without volunteers the exchange can be difficult to manage. Please sign up here HERE to help. Your assistance is greatly appreciated! Please reach out to Becky Brown at blessed2babrown@gmail.com with questions. Robotics Competition This Saturday, the two Glendale Prep Robotics Teams, Unscheduled Disassembly and Metal Masters, will be taking part in their second competition of the season at Trivium Prep between 10:00AM and 4:00PM. The event consists of matches where two alliances of two robots each will compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge game Centerstage, performing many tasks to score points in 2.5 minute matches. Come out to support the teams! The event is free and open to the public. Contact Mr. Roper with any questions: broper@glendaleprep.org. Tax Credit Did you know… Arizona Public School Tax Credit gifts helps fund the majority of Glendale Prep’s athletic budget? Tax Credits also help fund our extra-curricular clubs, fine arts, character-building programs, and keep the costs of field trips down. If you currently pay income tax to the State of Arizona, you have a choice of how those dollars are spent by redirecting where a portion of your tax money goes. If you give your public-school tax credit to Glendale Prep, it’s a dollar-for-dollar credit on your state income tax bill. Married filers can designate up to $400 and single filers can designate up to $200. Click HERE to donate today! Gifts made before April 15th can be used for your 2023 Arizona State taxes. Please share this link with your friends and family so they can take advantage of this tax credit while supporting our school! If you have already given your tax credit for this year, thank you! Reach out to our Family Giving Officer, Tammy Kempton, at 623-889-0822 ext. 1502, or tkempton@glendaleprep.org with any questions. College Counseling Flinn Semifinalists: Congratulations to two GP seniors, Isabella Hineman and Alessandro Marcolini, on being selected as a Flinn Semifinalist. With over 1,000 applications for this scholarship, Isabella and Alessandro were among the 80 semifinalists selected. The Flinn Scholarship – valued at more than $130,000 – covers tuition, fees, housing, meals, plus study abroad at any one of Arizona’s public universities. Each year, approximately 20 top Arizona high-school seniors are chosen to learn from amazing faculty, business leaders, and civic innovators and join a vibrant, eclectic community. ACT Save the Date: Tests will take place at Glendale Prep in the morning. Please ensure your student arrives by 8:05am and if possible, avoid scheduling appointments, as this is a state mandated test.
FAFSA Workshop for Senior Parents & Students: Glendale Prep will be hosting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Workshop on Thursday, February 1st at 6:30pm in the Archway Multipurpose Room. Our ASU Admissions Representative, Natalie Arreola, will walk parents and students through the application process. Prior to attending the workshop, please use this link to create two accounts: one for the student and one for a parent. Creating these accounts will provide both parents and students with an FSA ID, which is required to complete a FAFSA application. Completing a FAFSA determines student eligibility for need-based financial aid. Please note, some colleges and universities require a FAFSA to be filed before awarding merit scholarship monies. If you would like to attend this workshop, please RSVP here. Advanced Placement (AP) Exams will take place at Scottsdale Prep in the spring and are open to all high school students who wish to self-study and sit for an exam. Please note that AP exams are not part of our curriculum, nor is there an expectation from colleges that our students report AP scores. Registration is a two-part process: 1. Students/parents go to Scottsdale Prep’s Configio to select and pay for exam. 2. Student logs-in to their College Board account and input the ‘active join code’ found on the Configio site when they paid for the exam. The cost is $138.00 per exam by March 1st, 2024. Participants should bring non-mechanical number two pencils and a personal calculator to the exam. Athletics High School Girls Powderpuff Game: The Athletic department Powderpuff flag football game is delayed; a new date will be available soon. This is open to all high school girls. Each grade level has a captain who has been collecting names of interested students. This is a community event that will serve as a fundraiser for the senior trip. Each team member will have a t-shirt with the Powderpuff logo and their class color. To purchase the t-shirt, please use THIS Configio link. Winter Sports Participation Fee: If you have not paid your athletic fee, please do so promptly: Game Volunteers: We are always in need of parent volunteers to help run home games. Concession stand, entrance, and other volunteers help our events run smoothly. If interested, email gp_APO@glendalepreppo.org to join or learn more! You can also reach out to athletics@glendaleprep.org. *Visit azpreps365.com for detailed HS brackets and ticket information. *Visit Glendale Prep – Gamesource for updated middle school schedules. Tax Credits: Contact tkempton@glendaleprep.org for tax credit questions and details. Your tax credits directly support GP Athletics! Hiring Event
Contact Information Attendance Line: |
Websites and Links Glendale Prep Website Glendale Prep PSO Website GP Athletics Website “Like Us” on Facebook 2023-2024 School Calendar Event Calendar Booster Items GP Family Handbook Payment Portal Lunch Ordering – Password “griffins4” Tutoring Schedule |
www.glendaleprep.org |