The transformative education offered at Glendale Prep would not be possible without the generous and passionate commitment of our Parent Service Organization (PSO). As a parent and/or guardian you have joined a community of like-minded families dedicated to the success of Glendale Prep and its students.
We invite you to explore the many ways you can be involved in shaping the educational experience at Glendale Prep. If you would like to learn more about how you can help, please contact our PSO Board Members and representatives.

The transformative education offered at Glendale Prep would not be possible without the generous and passionate commitment of our Parent Service Organization (PSO).
Volunteer Now
PSO Fundraiser Support
The Parent Service Organization participates in several fundraising programs. See how you can support the PSO and Glendale Prep.
Support PSO
Spirit Store
Show your Glendale Prep spirit. Go Griffins! We will do our best to fill your merchandise order on available inventory weekly.
Explore Spirit Store
Contact the PSO
Please contact the PSO with any questions or to learn more about how you can get involved.
Contact The PSOUniform Exchange
The Uniform Exchange is run by Great Heart parents to offer an alternative to purchasing new uniforms.
Explore Uniform Exchange