- Great Hearts Glendale Prep, Serving Grades 6-12 - https://glendaleprep.greatheartsamerica.org -

Weekly Blast 02.07.25

School Dates to Note

  • Feb 7 Half Day – No Homework Club
  • Feb 10 Spring Sports Tryouts
  • Feb 15 HS Winter Dance
  • Feb 17 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
  • Feb 19 Field Day
  • Feb 21 7th Grade Field Trip
  • Feb 26 ACT Practice Test – 11th Grade
  • Feb 28 Senior Lock In
Table of Contents

  • A Note from the Headmaster
  • Academics
  • Dean of Students
  • Drama
  • 7th Grade Field Trip
  • Family Giving
  • HS Winter Dance
  • College Counseling
  • Athletics
A Note from the Headmaster

Hello Parents,

One principle we hope to instill in our students is the goal of becoming a “life-long learner”. That is easier said than done. But to that end, we provide a robust professional development schedule for our faculty and staff. Learning is even better when food is involved. Mrs. Rogers leads a wonderful team of parents who provide a lunch for faculty and staff once a month (Mrs. Rogers makes the best baked potato soup, by the way!!!).

Following the meal, faculty spend time together, learning. This year, all faculty will participate in:

  • Poetry, Drama, Art, and Music enrichments, which are led by one of their colleagues
  • Read and discuss Billy Budd and The Old Man and the Sea

It is important to break away from the standard schedule to simply be together and love learning. Our hope is to model that for our students, not just in word but in deed as well.

Enjoy the weekend,

Mr. Navarrette



6th-9th grade parents: Have you received a Missing Assignment Report?

Every Friday, Missing Assignment Reports are sent out when an assignment is flagged in a gradebook as ‘late’, ‘incomplete’, or ‘missing’.

A ‘missing assignment’ has never been turned in (possibly due to absence or simply not turned in).

A ‘late assignment’ was turned in after the due date (not due to absence).

An ‘incomplete assignment’ is an assignment that was turned in, but points were deducted due to not being completed fully.

Reports are run for a two-week period. So, if you receive a notification saying your child’s assignment is ‘missing’ one week, and it’s marked as ‘late’ the next week, you can see that your child has turned it in. If your student was absent, you may see a ‘missing’ assignment for the day they were absent, and it would be removed from the report the following week after it is turned in. ‘Incomplete’ assignments will stay on the report for two weeks.

Always ask your child first about the Missing Assignment Report before reaching out to the teacher if there is confusion.

Dean of Students

We want to take this opportunity to share with students and parents what the dress code process will look like for Winter Formal. After students are dropped off at the courtyard gates, they will enter the courtyard and young men will go to the right (toward room 405), while young ladies will go to the left (toward room 406) for the dress code check. All students who are within the dress code will proceed directly into the dance. If there are any concerns, the young men will be directed to one classroom while the young ladies move to a different classroom so that parents can be contacted about bringing a new shirt, different dress, etc. Students will wait in these rooms until the dress code issue is resolved. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Mure or Mr. Hayward at deansofstudents@glendaleprep.org [1].


The GP Drama Department is in need of some furniture for upcoming shows! If you have any of the following items that you are preparing to donate, please consider us first!


Arm Chairs

Kitchen/Dining Table with or without chairs

Thank you!

7th Grade Field Trip

7th graders are excited to visit the Wildlife World Zoo on Friday, February 21st. As a reminder, please don’t order a hot lunch for this day. Instead, pack a sack lunch! Students must bring a disposable water bottle as well.

As always, cell phones will remain on campus, and cameras are strictly prohibited. Despite it being a spirit day, students are required to wear their regular school uniform. They are welcome to wear any walking or athletic shoes that they are comfortable getting dusty!

We can’t wait to spend the day with the animals!

Family Giving

Did you know that when you donate to our school through the Arizona Public School Tax Credit program, you get all that money back— dollar for dollar—on your state taxes? It’s true! You can make a real difference in our students’ lives while helping yourself out at tax time.

Here’s the best part: You don’t have to be a parent to participate. Whether you’re a grandparent, friend, or neighbor, if you’re an Arizona taxpayer, you can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity, so please share this with your friends and family! Your donation directly supports our students, enhancing their educational experience through extracurricular activities, field trips, and more.

How does it work?

  1. Donate: You can contribute up to $200 (individual) or $400 (married) to our school.
  2. Claim: When you file your taxes, you’ll receive a full credit—so it won’t cost you a thing!
  3. Feel good: Your donation supports programs that make a real impact on our students’ education.

It’s easy, it’s tax-smart, and it’s a great way to give back to the community. What could be better?

Ready to contribute? You have until April 15th. Use this link to Donate to Glendale Preparatory Tax Credit [2] today!

Each week Mrs. Kempton will visit the gym lobby during lunch/lyceum with a fun wheel of prizes for every student/family that refers or contributes their tax credit to Glendale Prep! Students, be sure to listen to the morning announcements for more information.

Thanks for your support, and let’s make this school year the best one yet! Questions? Please reach out to Tammy Kempton at tkempton@glendaleprep.org [3].

HS Winter Dance

We are excited to host the High School Winter Formal Dance for all high school students on Saturday, February 15th, 2025, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the GP Gym. This year, we are going to dance at Romeo and Juliet’s Ball. A true Midwinter Night’s dream!

Tickets go on sale Monday, January 27th.
Tickets will be $20 until Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, $25 thereafter until 4:00pm the day of the event paid on the payment portal. Tickets are $30 (cash only) at the door. Parents of these students must come to the door to sign the permission slip in person.

For this FORMAL EVENT, students are expected to adhere to the following DRESS CODE:

For Gentlemen:

  • Dress pants must be an appropriate length and fit with a belt. Jeans, shorts, or pants with an exposed back pocket are not allowed. Rips or tears in pants are not allowed.
  • Dress shirts must be collared, button-down and properly fitted. Deep V-neck shirts are not allowed. Rips and cutouts are not allowed and dress shirts must be tucked in at the waist.
  • Tie or bow tie required.
  • Dress shoes must be worn with dress socks and are to be worn throughout the night. Sneakers must be worn with socks and are to be worn throughout the night. No bare feet, slippers, flip flops, or sandals are allowed.
  • Hair must be styled appropriately and be a natural color.

For young Ladies:

  • Long or midi skirts or dresses are highly encouraged. Hemlines must be no higher than mid-thigh – this includes when the young lady is dancing, moving, or bending. Slits may not go above the mid-thigh.
  • Cap-sleeve, spaghetti straps, one-shoulder, halter strap, and tank-top dresses/tops are allowed. Strapless dresses/tops are not allowed. Bare midriffs are not allowed, nor are cut outs (front, sides, or back), including ones that have see-through, sheer, or illusion fabrics.
  • Dresses must not have exposed décolletage/cleavage.
  • “Body-con” dresses are not allowed.
  • Backs of dresses/tops are not allowed to dip lower than the base of the shoulder blade.
  • Pants must be appropriately fitted dress pants and are allowed in lieu of a dress or skirt.
  • Dress shoes or sneakers are allowed and must be worn throughout the night – no bare feet.
  • Hair must be styled appropriately and be a natural color.

College Counseling

ACT Prep Workshop: An ACT Prep Workshop at Glendale Preparatory Academy will be offered from February 8th until April 12th. If you are interested and would like to learn more, please refer to this flyer [4]. If you have any additional questions, please contact Mr. Bradley at nbradley@glendaleprep.org [5]

College Rep Visits: All visits are held during lunch and lyceum in Room 706. 9th-12th grade students interested in learning more about these schools are invited to attend. Our upcoming visits are:

University of Arizona – Thursday, February 13, 2025 – 12:15PM – 1:00PM

Wheaton College – Tuesday, February 18, 2025 – 12:15PM – 1:00PM

Northern Arizona University – Thursday, March 27, 2025 – 12:15PM – 1:00PM

The Great Hearts College Symposium: This is an excellent way for families of 10th and 11th-grade students to explore and interact with multiple colleges in a single event. Admissions representatives will give presentations on essay writing, financial aid, and more on Saturday, March 1st, from 3:15PM to 6:00PM. We strongly encourage all 10th and 11th-grade students to attend the Symposium.

This event is held at Scottsdale Preparatory Academy (16537 N. 92nd St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260). To register, please go to StriveFair.com, [6] where you will receive a personalized barcode for entry. All students must wear school uniforms when attending this symposium.

ASVAB: The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test will be offered to all students on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, after school at 1:00 PM. Testing will last approximately three and a half hours, and students must be picked up at 4:30 PM.  The ASVAB is a standardized test to assess a student’s aptitude for various occupations. While it can provide valuable insights into potential career paths, participation is voluntary. We understand that some parents may be concerned about the ASVAB, particularly its potential for military recruitment. Please be assured that, as a school, we do not send ASVAB information to any military office for recruitment. However, the option to send scores for military recruitment will be made available. Please only complete this OPT-out form [7] if you want to prevent your child from participating.

What To Do During Summer: Summer is approaching, and Students are curious about what they can do during the summer. The following are a few options for summer programs here in Arizona:

Health Careers Institute [8] – Midwestern University  

Business Careers Awareness Program [9] – University of Arizona 

The Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program (JBMSHP) [10] – Arizona State University


Winter Sports

The high school boys soccer team will host a playoff game at our field on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00 PM. The high school girls soccer team will host a playoff game at our field on Wednesday, February 12th at 6:00 PM.

This is an AIA event, and they set the ticket prices. No cash will be accepted. Tickets must be purchased online using the following links:

Boys game (Horizon Honors vs Glendale Prep – Soccer – Feb 11, 2025 [11])

Girls game (Horizon Honors vs Glendale Prep – Soccer – Feb 12, 2025 [12])

Spring Sports

Spring sports begin next week (February 10th- February 14th). Here are the practice times for each sport. These days are for next week:

  • High School Baseball – Monday and Tuesday from 3:30-5:30 at Dream City Christian HS.
  • High School Girls Softball – Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3:45-5:45 at Dream City Christian HS.
  • High School Golf – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4:00-6:00 at Sun City Country Club.
  • High School Track and Field – Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 PM at Sunrise Mountain HS.
  • High School Tennis – Monday from 5:30-7:00 PM at Glendale Community College, Tuesday from 4:00-5:30 at Surprise Racquet Center, and Wednesday from 4:00-5:30 at Glendale Community College.
  • Middle School Girls Basketball – Monday , Tuesday, and Wednesday from 4:30-5:45 in the gym.
  • Middle School Boys Basketball – Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3:15-4:30 in the gym.
  • Middle School Track and Field – Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 at Sunrise Mountain HS.




Contact Information
Jenny Haley, Office Manager
JHaley@glendaleprep.org [13]

Attendance Line:
623-889-0822 Option 4
or attendance@glendaleprep.org [14]

Websites and Links
Glendale Prep Website [15]
Glendale Prep PSO Website [16]
GP Athletics Website [17]
“Like Us” on Facebook [18]
2024-2025 School Calendar [19]
Event Calendar [20]
Booster Items [21]
GP Family Handbook [22]
Payment Portal [23]
Lunch Ordering [24] – Password “griffins4”
 Tutoring Schedule  [25]
www.glendaleprep.org [26]