- Great Hearts Glendale Prep, Serving Grades 6-12 - https://glendaleprep.greatheartsamerica.org -

Weekly Blast 01.24.25

School Dates to Note

  • Jan 24 7th-8th Grade Dance
  • Feb 7 Half Day – No Homework Club
  • Feb 10 Spring Sports Tryouts
  • Feb 14 HS Winter Dance
  • Feb 17 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
  • Feb 28 Senior Lock In
Table of Contents

  • A Note from the Headmaster
  • Date Change for HS Winter Dance
  • Spring Semester Tutoring Schedule
  • Homework Club
  • Family Giving
  • Winter Formal Dance
  • College Counseling
  • Athletics
A Note from the Headmaster

When Mr. Navarrette asked me to write about what was on my heart, I knew immediately that I wanted to focus on community. Maybe I’m becoming more nostalgic as the years go by, but I often find myself reflecting on how Glendale Prep has been such a gift to my family and me and specifically, how this community has brought so much joy and love. Over the past 16 years I have observed this community from various vantage points. I started as a parent and then morphed into an employee; I had the honor of heading our capital campaign for our wonderful building and seeing firsthand how generous and caring our families are. My next stop was College Counseling where I was supported and encouraged by many of you, and now, acting as an Assistant Headmaster I get to partner with parents, faculty, and staff, but none of these things have been nearly as meaningful as the special relationships I have developed and encountered.

My time here has provided interactions with some of the most amazing people and has led to life-long friendships with those who have similar values and goals for our children. If I sum up my feelings about our families, faculty, and staff, I have to say, you are great humans who value raising children of strong moral character while also seeking a rigorous academic program, so of course this is a place where I would develop great relationships.

Throughout the years there have been many changes, most notably we have grown from a very small school to one that is quite a bit larger. The good is we can provide this education for more children; the bad is that it is more difficult for parents to build relationships and friendships with one another. Honestly, this saddens me, based on how special many of these relationships have been for me as I want this for all of you.

If you are feeling as though you haven’t experienced the community I am writing about, I encourage you to consider attending a sporting event with your children or attending the upcoming restaurant night at Freddy’s on February 26th. Another great way to experience the benefits of this wonderful community is to get involved with our PSO (join us on February 6th at 5:30 pm in the Senior Lounge). I’ve had the pleasure of attending meetings this year and it warms my heart that these parents are organizing “Griffin Nights” to build a stronger sense of community by bringing families together and allowing us to develop relationships while we are having fun with our children. The first one is Bingo Night on February 1st and I hope to see many of you there.

My wish for all is that you find the beauty in our community that I feel blessed to have encountered.


Mrs. Sarbacker

Spring Semester Tutoring Schedule

The Spring semester tutoring schedule has been published! There are hard copies available in the front office, and it can also be downloaded HERE [1]. The most recent tutoring schedule [2] is always found on our website under the “Academics” tab and is linked at the bottom of this blast.

No Homework Club

No Homework Club on February 7th

Each year Great Hearts provides our faculty and staff with an in-service day for leisure to learn. This year it will be on Friday, February 7, 2025 and we want to ensure Mrs. Chavez and Mr. Kilcup are able to share in this experience so we will not be having our Homework Club on this day. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. We look forward to resuming Homework Club services on the following school day.

Family Giving

Tax season is upon us! If you currently pay income tax the State of Arizona, you have a choice of how those dollars are spent by re-directing where a portion of your tax money goes. If you give your public-school tax credit to Glendale Prep, you will receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your state income tax bill. Married filers can designate up to $400 and single filers can designate up to $200. Your support in keeping athletics, the arts, clubs, and field trips funded is needed and appreciated! To contribute your Tax Credit, simply click on this link: Donate to Glendale Preparatory Tax Credit [3]. If you have already given your tax credit for this year, thank you! Did you know that friends and family that pay taxes in Arizona can give to any school of their choice? Please share the link above and ask them to support GP as well! Questions? Please reach out to our Family Giving Officer, Tammy Kempton, at tkempton@glendaleprep.org [4] with any questions.  Thank you for your support!

HS Winter Dance

We are excited to host the High School Winter Formal Dance for all high school students on Saturday, February 15th, 2025, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the GP Gym. This year, we are going to dance at Romeo and Juliet’s Ball. A true Midwinter Night’s dream!

Tickets go on sale Monday, January 27th.
Tickets will be $20 until Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, $25 thereafter until 4:00pm the day of the event paid on the payment portal. Tickets are $30 (cash only) at the door. Parents of these students must come to the door to sign the permission slip in person.

For this FORMAL EVENT, students are expected to adhere to the following DRESS CODE:

For Gentlemen:

  • Dress pants must be an appropriate length and fit with a belt. Jeans, shorts, or pants with an exposed back pocket are not allowed. Rips or tears in pants are not allowed.
  • Dress shirts must be collared, button-down and properly fitted. Deep V-neck shirts are not allowed. Rips and cutouts are not allowed and dress shirts must be tucked in at the waist.
  • Tie or bow tie required.
  • Dress shoes must be worn with dress socks and are to be worn throughout the night. Sneakers must be worn with socks and are to be worn throughout the night. No bare feet, slippers, flip flops, or sandals are allowed.
  • Hair must be styled appropriately and be a natural color.

For young Ladies:

  • Long or midi skirts or dresses are highly encouraged. Hemlines must be no higher than mid-thigh – this includes when the young lady is dancing, moving, or bending. Slits may not go above the mid-thigh.
  • Cap-sleeve, spaghetti straps, one-shoulder, halter strap, and tank-top dresses/tops are allowed. Strapless dresses/tops are not allowed. Bare midriffs are not allowed, nor are cut outs (front, sides, or back), including ones that have see-through, sheer, or illusion fabrics.
  • Dresses must not have exposed décolletage/cleavage.
  • “Body-con” dresses are not allowed.
  • Backs of dresses/tops are not allowed to dip lower than the base of the shoulder blade.
  • Pants must be appropriately fitted dress pants and are allowed in lieu of a dress or skirt.
  • Dress shoes or sneakers are allowed and must be worn throughout the night – no bare feet.
  • Hair must be styled appropriately and be a natural color.

College Counseling

ACT Prep Workshop

An ACT Prep Workshop at Glendale Preparatory Academy will be offered from February 8th until April 12th. If you are interested and would like to learn more, please refer to this flyer [5]. If you have any additional questions, please contact Mr. Bradley at nbradley@glendaleprep.org [6]

January College Rep Visits – All visits are held during lunch and lyceum in Room 706. 9th-12th grade students interested in learning more about these schools are invited to attend. Our upcoming visits are:

  • Grand Canyon University – Tuesday, January 28, 2025 – 12:15 PM – 1:00 PM

February College Rep Visits

  • Wheaton College [7] – Tuesday, February 18, 2025 – 12:15 PM – 1:00 PM

March College Rep Visits


Game Schedules, Practice Schedules, and Events (Winter Sports)

The athletics website (https://greatheartsglendaleathletics.org [9]) will have the most up to date information regarding game schedules. All middle school schedules are updated on the athletics website. A link will take you to each individual schedule. It is a tab at the top titled “MS Team Schedules”. All high school schedules are updated on the athletics website. Click the tab at the top titled “Sports and Activities.”

Spring Sports

Spring sports tryouts are February 10th for both middle school and high school teams. Are you ready for tryouts?

  • Make sure you are registered on Big Teams with documents uploaded.
  • Contact the coach of your sport for any updates.

Middle School

High School

General Questions or Help with Big Teams




Contact Information
Jenny Haley, Office Manager
JHaley@glendaleprep.org [20]

Attendance Line:
623-889-0822 Option 4
or attendance@glendaleprep.org [21]

Websites and Links
Glendale Prep Website [22]
Glendale Prep PSO Website [23]
GP Athletics Website [24]
“Like Us” on Facebook [25]
2024-2025 School Calendar [26]
Event Calendar [27]
Booster Items [28]
GP Family Handbook [29]
Payment Portal [30]
Lunch Ordering [31] – Password “griffins4”
 Tutoring Schedule  [32]
www.glendaleprep.org [33]